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Recieving calls and texts for a previous number owner


As the subject rightfully says, I’ve been receiving calls and texts for a previous owner of my number.

For context: I’ve been on contract with this particular number since December 2021. It was fine, at first, until I began receiving texts and calls for another person.

It started off at first with promotional things, such as Domino’s Pizza, “Hungover? Craving pepperoni?” — you get it. Except, I don’t eat pizza (this is controversial in itself, but it gets worse as you realise that I don’t like pizza, but this isn’t the place to discusss this) — my point is, that I don’t need to sign up for promotions through texts. But it got weirder as it began stating a town I have never heard of (for privacy reasons, I won’t be sharing that detail or the previous owners names). 
It then changed from pizza to cars, (again, not something I need, nor do I need car insurance as I don’t drive). It was small things, which, could be easily ignored, honestly. Think of it more as spam in a email, right? Anyway… that was until it got worse.

I then began getting something that I could only describe as harassment from Lowell. (Again, I’m not about to use the persons ACTUAL name, so I’m using a sim character’s name), but I none stop got messages from Lowell and Imcu stating “Hi (insert general title) Bob Pancakes, it’s Lowell. We’ve been trying to connect with you.” Of course, as I’m not the person who is registered with Lowell, I couldn’t stop the texts.

Again, rather stupidly, I chose to ignore it. And that’s were car finance deals began to become a thing — like the Domino’s pizza, I don’t need car finance, I don’t drive. 
That’s purely the texts, but I have received some calls from mobile numbers I’ve never seen in my life. I, of course, picked them up… only to have a conversation with someone who somehow didn’t recognise a change in voice as they said “are you coming to look at those flats with me?”… I had to politely decline, stating that “I’m sorry, you have the wrong number, I’m not Bob Pancakes} (again, not this persons real name).

Then on New Year’s Day, the persons grandma got in touch wishing her grandchild happy new year. Honestly, it was sweet — except for I don’t have a grandma (not one I talk to or have seen in ever since I was a child at least). So of course, I gave her a text, just letting her know that, unfortunately, she didn’t reach her grandchild, as I own the phone number now, but I still wished her a happy new years, and that hopefully, she can get in contact with her grandchild soon.

Now back onto track: as I mentioned, I’ve been on contract since december 2021. It’s now January 2024. I only have another 12 months left (Dec 2024), and within these past few years of none stop getting texts and calls in the persons name, I have tried looking online for solutions, as I’ve also been billed for calls that weren’t free and that I didn’t actually do. Of course, as I’m writing this, I have came up with no solution. I have thought about terminating my contract, but it’s expensive to end it prematurely as it’s a lump of cash to pay out (so you mayas well pay monthly, which was the whole idea), but now I’m truly stumped. Is there any advice that could be suggested? I’d be thankful for it.  Thank you, have a nice day. 

EE Community Support Team

Hi and welcome to the community, @iXann 

Thanks for detailing what has been happening and for not posting that user's information. 

As someone who eats around three pizzas per week, it was rather a shock to read that you don't like pizza. I'm quite open minded though and completely respect it. Maybe if I didn't like pizzas, I'd be a bit healthier. 🙂

Anyway. I understand you've had the number for quite some time, but if you're open to changing the number, our Mobile Care team will be able to do that for you, without ending the contract. 



It's also possible these could be genuine mistakes, and someone else with a similar number is innocently & inadvertently submitting your mobile number.

You would only find out by innocently replying to one of the text messages, if you would be comfortable doing so.