Re: EE is harassing me with bills after the contract ended


I completely agree - and after my own experiences I now believe that EE should be regarded as an organized criminal company. Only being able to close a contract by phone is completely unacceptable (and I'm surprised it's legal, if it indeed is). I've always thought 'in writing' was the standard way to close an account or cancel a contract. They'll probably claim they are so big that this is not practical for them, which conveniently exposes little Joe Public to the scam of being falsely (or in error) told over the phone that cancellation is done. Even if it is an accident, the company as a whole does not care, as they send a further string of bills which probably a lot fo people will pay out of awe of such a big name, and for a quiet life. This is how they make their money, the people sitting at the top of these companies are nothing less than criminals who get away with it.

I was told an old dongle contract of mine was cancelled over the phone, but then I notice the next 2 months my direct debit being taken as usual, so I stopped it at the bank.  Then I get 3 reminders threatening 'termination' of my account and debt action. After the first reminder, I wrote to customer care explaining I wanted it cancelled and had done so over the phone, and they merely sent a standard letter telling me I 'needed to call them'.  Now I get a final reminder. In response to this I've send a Pre-action Letter of Claim (for harassment), my warning to THEM I wil take court action if this is not resolved. I believe I do NOT need to phone them, why the hell should I have to waste my time on their automated lines attempting to get through to the right place, when I've told them clearly in writing. We'll test that principle in court if they want. I'll be making my Court application if they haven't dealth properly with my last letter within 28 days. Check out Ferguson v British Gas  - we have a case, under the harrasment act, it's very clear. EE have no excuse and can't hide behind any excuse about the size of their comany, and not being able to respond to letters. It's pathetic, if not wilful scamming. 


Why  should we have to?!  It's already been shown not to be trsutworthy anyway. Anybody has a right to cancel in writing. If you don't have the staff to deal with that, it's your problem. I for one am goijng to get that prinicple tested in Court

EE Community Support Team

Good morning @englishalpinist

Welcome to the EE Community. 

I am sorry to hear your direct debits continued after writing to cancel your contract. 

Could you please confirm the address which you posted your letter to?

When you received a response did you call the number provided? Cancelling a direct debit will not stop any bills being produced. 

Speak soon, 


I wrote to 1 Braham Street London, and got the reply saying I needed to call 0800 956 6000. I tried, but wasn't able to find the right option for my issue. Now I have written again to 6 camberwell way Sunderland this time. I'm simply asking my account closed and no more bills sent. If I owe one month (£25) for notice of closure I'll accept that. I gave that notice over the phone. Certainly not paying a further 2 months because of EE  failure to action my request, especially as I've put it in writing since. I've used up part of my life writing this even. So I'm done now. It's over to EE, Court action pending if I get further bills.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @englishalpinist 

I am very sorry to hear this. 

To get the cancellation request looked into and the bills you have recieved, I would advise to contact us by phone, full contact details can be found on our Contact EE page. 

The team will get the account checked and let you know when the last payment would be and get everything you have experiened looked into. 


I've written (again). That's that. Sort it. Next is Court application. They'll sort it.

I'd like to say this has been sorted now. I got a very nice efficient customer care call this morning (pretty much the next working day after my letter). The error balance of £75 wiped off, and admission of technical mistake, and my phonecall of a few months ago to cancel was tracked down. I'm happy, and was asking for nothing more. Maybe I was too angry, but these things are stressful especially when you get to a certsin age. When I was young, I would have just shrugged my shoulders and paid it, even though I didn't owe it. Too distressing these days, with all the other cost of living stuff to deal with. Anyway, it's restored my faith in customer care, and EE is not a bad company. I continue to use your services on my smartphone as payg customer, but simply didn't need or want my silly old dongle anymore much less to pay for it while it's been sitting in my junk electricals box for months. Mistakes happen, alls well that ends well.


My issue of 'reminders' and £75 bill demand for an account I thought I had legitimately phone-cancelled has been sorted now. I got a very nice efficient customer care call this morning (pretty much the next working day after my letter). The error balance of £75 wiped off, and admission of technical mistake, and my phonecall of a few months ago to cancel was tracked down. I'm happy, and was asking for nothing more. Maybe I was too angry, but these things are stressful especially when you get to a certsin age. When I was young, I would have just shrugged my shoulders and paid it, even though I didn't owe it. Too distressing these days, with all the other cost of living stuff to deal with. Anyway, it's restored my faith in customer care, and EE is not a bad company. I continue to use your services on my smartphone as payg customer, but simply didn't need or want my silly old dongle anymore much less to pay for it while it's been sitting in my junk electricals box for months. Mistakes happen, alls well that ends well.

EE Community Support Team

Hello @englishalpinist

Thank you so much for coming back and letting us know this is now resolved. 

If you have any other queries in the future please be sure to let us know. 

Have a great day, 



Hello, I'm sad to say that today I got a letter from debt collection agency, 'advantis'.. on behalf of client EE claiming £87.29 (which I presume relates to the £75 Ee chased so far). This was dated 20.Feb, which is the day after I got my phonecall from EE customer care, admitting the mistake, and assuring me everything had been resolved and the £75 is scratched. 

Of course they might have been a cross-post issue, and I can disregard this letter, but how can I be sure? Of course, I cannot. I can only assume I am now going to get one advantis letter after another month after month, exponentially increasing the amount I am allegedly in debt by,  I can only assume EE has not sorted my closed account, I can only assume I have been lied to. Therefore, I sadly have to commence the Court action I spoke about now. Recieving these letters is deeply distressing, they're sent on false and criminal grounds, so Court action is the only way I can go. I will NOT simply resign myself and pay it just to shut tghe process down, when I don't sodding well owe anything. This is EE's responsibility to communicate with advantis and ensure I don't recieve any more letters on this issue, except for one that confirms in writing the matter is closed. My step is the national newsparers are going to hear about it.