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Re: Deceptive upselling


I have the same complaint as @Ruthwin

EE is scamming customers by signing them up for tablet contracts they didn't want or ask for.

When I signed up for my new phone contract in July 2021, I was told I could have a 'free' tablet with the contract at 'no additional cost.' I said I didn't want a tablet, but a member of the EE team (at the Watford shop) told me that I might as well take the tablet as it was free. 

I've not been rigorous at checking my bills, but am surprised to discover I've been charged £11.70 for this every month. The tablet was free, but it came with a contract I wasn't told about and certainly didn't want. 

At best this sales tactic, which is presumably commission based, is misleading. More realistically, it is a scam. I feel foolish for trusting a company I thought to be reputable and getting tricked. You just don't expect this from a well-known company.

I went into the Watford shop to query this and was told there is nothing that can be done because the manager of the store has changed since then. I asked if they still sell tablets in the same way using the language 'free' and 'no additional cost' and was told that this is the normal language used when selling bundles. 



EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @basilletts,

Welcome to the EE Community.

Please get in touch with Customer Care so a member of the team can look into this for you.

They'll be happy to help.


Hi James,

When I complain in store, I'm told to call Customer Care... when I call Customer Care I'm told to go and raise a complaint in store.

This is, of course, my fault for not reading the contracts I was signing carefully enough. But there seems to be quite a lot of people who are being tricked by EE sales tactics. I certainly don't feel like like I've been treated very well.

I suppose I will wait out this contract and switch supplier.

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @basilletts,

Another option would be to a complaint online at Make a complaint (

Hope this helps.



The exact thing happened to me. I was told the tablet was free, not once was I told I am paying £11 for a second sim (tablet sim). But I am going through the full complaint process and requested my call recording under FOI. I was definitely misled!!!