My phone


So I rang we this morning to blocked a different device on my account as the person who had it is failing to pay the bill and won’t give the phone back. 
but I have hoy off the phone to them and I think they have blocked my phone and not the other one as I am unable to make or receive calls and I can’t contact them and I tried to request a call but they can’t call me as I can’t receive calls can someone help me what to do thanks 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Emma28111

Thanks for coming here. 

I am very sorry to hear that the wrong line has been blocked. 

Do you have access to another mobile or landline?

We have no account access here on the EE Community. 


No I don’t I’ve been trying since this morning but it’s all calling and I can’t call out I don’t know what to do I’ve been waiting on a text chat for hours

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EE Community Support Team

Hi @Emma28111

Do you live near a local EE Store?


No this is what o mean I have no idea what to do and I must be right has I’ve taken sim out I’ve done a network test everything and nothing is working so I don’t know what to do to get them to get in contact with me

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EE Community Support Team

Hi @Emma28111

I understand this must be frustrating. 

We have no account access here on the community, 

Do you have access to Skype?
