31-05-2023 11:45 AM
Goodbye EE.
As a customers of 14 years, at no point has the company tried to ensure I remain with EE or offered me a better deal, even after calling twice to see what deal I could get it is significantly cheaper to go elsewhere. This along with the ridiculous cost of upgrading compared to other networks are the reasons I am leaving. I am so disappointed at the way EE has handled my loyal custom. Loyalty does not pay.
31-05-2023 01:18 PM
Hi @CraigB5
I am very sorry to hear you have decided to leave us after speaking to our mobile care team to see what offers were available to you.
If you do decide to stay, please call us on 150 and the team will certainly go through the available options for an upgrade.
All the best.
31-05-2023 01:26 PM
@CraigB5 Did you ask customer service about flexpay ? This is just like what other networks offer where you pay for the device separately from your tariff , but you pay for the device over a longer period of time. Or why upgrade if your current device is ok still ? Just take out a sim only contract for a year then then upgrade to a full device contract. There isn’t much in it between 2 year old devices anymore
31-05-2023 01:59 PM
31-05-2023 02:44 PM
Thanks for coming back to us @CraigB5
If you would like to discuss this further and see if there is anything the team can offer, please call us again on 150.