19-01-2025 03:24 PM
Hi all,
So I recently decided to claim on my insurance after my phone got damaged pretty bad which was near the end of the 4/5 year period.
I suppose due to the nature, EE would swap it with a refurbished device with similar specs and that all happened pretty quickly ,would've been about a week however I wouldn't been in when DPD would drop it so a week after I swapped the phone with the delivery guy. (Got it the weekend before the Christmas week).
However during and after turning it on and moving all my files across with my pen drive I noticed the phone was becoming slow,lagging and freezing a little bit so I decided to call EE on 150 on the same day and after going between different departments we discovered that it may because of the storage and RAM issue as this phone (A23 5G) and my previous phone that I swapped (A90 5G) had different storage and RAM where my previous phone had 128GB whilst this phone had 64GB.
So obviously this isn't really the same or around the same specs as my previous phone and because I phoned them on a Sunday I would have to phone them the next day to be transferred to the logistics department as the technical support departmentinstructed me to.However when I phoned them, due to the nature of the issue they told me it was an insurance issue so once I was transferred to their department they said they would have to review the issue and we filed a formal complaint in the meantime where they raised it to a higher level and said they would call me back in a few days.
Of course I wasnt expecting to hear from them anytime soon as it was the Christmas week then the New years week however it's been about 2 week since the start of the month and I'm starting to get a little worried.
This is starting to get into a bit of a pain as if you google it there are 2 ,A23 models and the other has the same storage capacity as my A90 did(with similar specs aswell).Not to mention(although I know I literally agreed to it) that you have to swap your phone at the doorstep which is a bit problematic when transferring data than just keeping both phones (If you have a previous phone that is capable of samsung smart switch and a pen drive you should be mostly fine for apps and files although obviously its gonna be more easier to simply have both phones next to you).
Honestly it would only be a minor inconvenience due to the insurance swapping processes and if I got a phone with the same/around the same specs as my damaged one but literally half the storage of my previous one ( and I think RAM also) can't be acceptable and I know It was unlikely i would get the same model as my previous( due to it being released in 2019) but the fact that your not getting a better or a new phone(at least on paper) really does beg the question whether i should see if i can reverse the process and get my phone back and see if i can get it fixed somwhere but also why EE just doesn't let you keep both or at least for a short time so you can transfer data more easily or maybe just offer to fix your phone (which I'm pretty sure what happenes when they "recycle" it and at that point they might aswell send me that.)
Other than the system in place , it all happened pretty good, easy very quickly and snappy(unfortunately can't be said for the complaint process evaluation) and each person I spoke to was quite understanding and helpful so I just thought I'd post this here as a second Avenue before I find some time next week and phone them .
Also to note I switched all the information(except most of it on my pendrive) and sd card back onto my previous previous phone (J6+) that I used to switch all the info to the one EE gave me (A23 5G) where EEs phone now has been essentially on my table for weeks without any use haven't even taken the plastic coverings of it.(Plus the original packaging was handed it in with the invoice).
Any and all answers are welcome please.
Kind Regards,
Solved! See the answer below or view the solution in context.
20-01-2025 08:46 AM
Hi there @Gray-em, welcome to the EE Community.
Thanks for taking the time to share the details of your experience here too.
Our insurance team are a specialist team, so as @Northerner has highlighted here you would always be best contacting them directly for any concerns around your claim and replacement device.
You can find all the details you need around this here:
19-01-2025 03:50 PM - edited 19-01-2025 03:51 PM
Hi @Gray-em
Not sure what your are asking.
Did you read your policy terms and conditions before accepting the policy. EE have replaced your device in accordance with the policy (as you say) with a newer model handset albeit with smaller storage. Both phones are entry-level and are not the highest of specs.
Not sure why you backed up to a pen drive but writing to the pen drive will be quicker than uploading to the phone and as i say these are not the highest of specs.
If you're unhappy then as per your insurance terms and conditions you can complain. If you're still unsatisfied after the final decision letter complain to the Financial ombudsman service.
19-01-2025 06:39 PM
I'm just using this a second avenue for help, information and advice
I did read the policy ,terms and conditions before I agreed and to be honest I thought it would fall under what can be considered as getting repaired but I guess not.
EE have replaced my device that should be the same or have around the same specs however didn't realise that margin went up to 50% with storage and RAM plus a possibly faulty device due to the lagging and freezing so I don't think its just "smaller storage". You mention a "newer handset" however EE isn't exactly doing any favours for me in that department and the only way that phone is new is that came out 2 or 3 years after mine did and my A90 was still competing with that plus I'm pretty sure Samsung doesn't even sell it on their website anymore. Other than that the phone is refurbished so not exactly new especially with the bugs.
Not to mention I only discovered that it was a logistical/insurance issue whilst on call due to the operator saying it shouldn't be that low when compared with my old phone so unless all the operators after were just agreeing with me for the sake of it then I have a feeling there is a problem as I said there's 2 models of the A23 and one of them actually matches my specs so it could've been a mistake.
Not sure why you mentioned the performance of each phone other than transferring data but the specs should be more than enough especially since it worked better than I thought with an even older phone but I should mention that when I got it back in 2020/2021 the A90 was Samsung's flagship A series phone that also had 5G which wasn't that common back then but I do understand that after nearly half a decade its no longer a high spec phone.
The reason I backed up to a pen drive is because I don't own a pc just a laptop(which is on its last legs if I'm being honest)and don't have any cloud storage subscription(due to several majors issues I had so don't have an exactly trustful relationship with them) that are big enough hence I moved what I could onto a 256GB pen drive and everything else onto my old old phone (J6+) which has 32GB via smart switch due to how the swapping works(which I already explained and somewhat ranted about)
I understand my post was quite long probably confusing to read and to be honest, more rant based than question based especially near the end so I think that maybe I might have worded some things weirdly or perhaps a misunderstanding.
I hope this helps clear matters up.
19-01-2025 07:10 PM
Hi @Gray-em
The A series us entry level and no way any flagship device. It sounds like you are just unhappy with the newer device provided by EE which is in line with your policy but you feel is inferior.
As i suggested if you are unhappy then you need to follow the complaints process as per your insurance policy terms and conditions.
20-01-2025 08:46 AM
Hi there @Gray-em, welcome to the EE Community.
Thanks for taking the time to share the details of your experience here too.
Our insurance team are a specialist team, so as @Northerner has highlighted here you would always be best contacting them directly for any concerns around your claim and replacement device.
You can find all the details you need around this here: