29-12-2024 04:43 PM
Just installed the smart hub pro few days ago. Paying extra but no difference. Also for day been trying to set up the WiFi pro extender and no joy. Absolutely dreadful waste of time company. I’ll be cancelling all my products. This topic is a warning. If you wanna take out the pro products don’t be conned. Absolute laughing stock of a company. I’m doing my best to spread the word on social media how bad they are.
29-12-2024 05:37 PM
@Username5025 which broadband product and speed do you have?
What was your expectations of the Smart Hub Pro ?
What issues are you having?
29-12-2024 08:48 PM
Same problem here, yes they should be ashamed.
29-12-2024 09:20 PM
What “same problem”?
The only specific mentioned has been a failure to connect a WiFi extender.
29-12-2024 09:26 PM
Same here. Can’t link the WiFi extender. Absolutely shocking. Been trying for days and they’re useless on the phone.
29-12-2024 11:32 PM
@Futumch Take it you have looked and tried all the help options, and read the post's of other user's with similar experience of getting the New Pro smart wireless devices that were awkward to connect?
30-12-2024 12:53 PM
No. Why should a customer have to search an online forum for a solution. It should work first time. That’s like an iPhone playing up and being told have you been to California to ask Apple why it’s not working.
30-12-2024 01:46 PM
@Futumch the setup instructions are here https://ee.co.uk/help/broadband/getting-started/setting-up-smart-wifi
But without knowing what you have done or not done hard to second guess what is not working.
30-12-2024 05:38 PM
@Futumch wrote:No. Why should a customer have to search an online forum for a solution...
They shouldn't need to in an ideal world but problems do arise, and when they do, the Community can be a good source of peer to peer help that doesn't involve lengthy calls to the helpdesk.
Alas, it's difficult for anybody here to help without some detail of the symptoms and what may/may not have been tried to get things working 🤷
30-12-2024 08:34 PM
Can’t link the WiFi extender. I can’t put it any simpler sorry.