Smart Hub update?


I've had my broadband service with EE for just under 1 year and on Saturday 12/10 it just randomly stopped working while I was out of the house. When I returned home and went to investigate I found the hub was showing a static green light that flashed white after 23 seconds then went off 7 seconds later before restarting the same light cycle (30 second cycle).

After following all the self help guides online and through EE app I contacted them over the phone and the call was ended with them sending me a replacement hub. That arrived today and initially worked (for 15 mins) before doing the exact same thing the old hub was doing. On contacting them again and going through the same process they have now decided to send an engineer out next Monday, 7 days later! In the meantime I am left with no services in my home where virtually everything (entertainment and utility) relies on wifi connection 🤬

Has anyone else experienced this issue or something similar? From what I have researched I believe the hub has some form of firmware update being sent through and it appears to not be accepting the update, possibly a coding issue? 

Any help greatly appreciated!

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Buptaboy  which router do you have and what broadband sercice>

Are you on full fibre or via your phone line? Do you still have a phone service, if so is it working.

You are the first to have reported this type of issue as far as I know.

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@Buptaboy When you respond to @Mustrum info request, also let it be known if you have the Smart Hybrid connect for the 4G mobile switch when Landline broadband is down?

Hi Mustrum,

I don't have a landline phone, although I believe I can add that to my broadband package. 

My house is just over 5 years old on a development just outside Huntingdon in Cambridgeshire. I believe it is a full fibre connection. There is a white BT box in my downstairs cupboard which the smart hub plus user guide describes as a "modem with four ports". This connects to the WAN socket on the hub from Port 1 on the modem. 

EE Community Support Team

Thanks for confirming that for us @Buptaboy, that is indeed Full Fibre that you have installed. 

What are the lights on the white modem (known as an ONT) showing right now?


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Buptaboy   OK, so yes you are on Full Fibre and whilst it is possible the router may be faulty, it is quite a rare occurrence, but as @Peter_W  request knowing what lights are on the ONT will help further identify the issue.

The following link to Openreach's ONT Explained  shows some of the different types.

And the similar EE Help pages also shows the lights that should be on 


Hi Peter,


Top left of the unit I have PON and Power on static green, bottom right Status is static green.

Hub is now showing static aqua light but is not visible on any of my devices to connect to

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@Buptaboy Do you have a device with an ethernet port and an ethernet cable that you could plug into the router, the fact that you cannot see the SSID transmitting from the router does suggest that it has stopped, maybe the ethernet is working.


@JimM11 Unfortunately not. The only devices that has that capability is my TV or my PS5, both of which are in a different room and not near an ethernet port that I can connect them to. My MacBook doesn't have an ethernet port either 🤦‍♂️

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@Buptaboy The only think left now, is power it off, wait couple minutes, remove the wan cable from the back of the router, power it back on, and watch the stages and colours of the light as it reboots, note them down sequence and aprox time, after about 4-5 mins, it will settle on a final colour, expect this to be orange/solid, that means hub is working, waiting on broadband connection, plug the wan cable back in now, you can check with your devices if you see the SSID name appear as it is doing all of this.