Second wifi


Hi all, I would like to set up a separate wifi for my children and their friends when they come over, which is more restrictive in terms of content etc. I assumed this was what Guest wifi is, but it seems as if all that does is make the password easier? I have a smart hub.

Skilled Contributor
Skilled Contributor

In the Guest WiFi just change the SSID (Wireless Network Name) to whatever you want and set a password. Save the changes. You will then see it pop up. It makes sure no one on Guest WiFI can access your local LAN. Not anymore restrictive than that, but that’s good if you don’t want Gen Z trying to mess with your stuff thinking they are experts because they wrongly think they know what ‘ping’ is.

(Excuse the dig at the youth of today… just in a grumpy mood this weekend 🙂 )


Thank you - whilst that is useful to know - I'm not worried about Gen Z - they are younger than that! I have controls on my children's phones that prevent them being able to access sites that they shouldn't. However their friends have phones (11/12 year olds) and want to hop on my wifi when they are round. That's all fine, but I'd like to direct them to a wifi that is locked down with parental controls. But I'm not sure how to do that.

EE Community Support Team

Good morning @Verity51, welcome to the EE Community 😊

Guest WiFi is designed to work independent of your main network so you can keep your personal devices safe; it also has its own username and password. 

If you go into your Broadband settings, select Guest WiFi, then Guest WiFi Settings, does it give any options to enable parental controls here specifically? 

It's worth checking the Parental control options in the app to see if it has the Guest WiFi listed separately too. 

I know you can block specific devices and then group these together, but I'm not 100% sure if you can apply this to the whole guest network.



Thank you - it seems that Guest wifi inherits the same parental controls as the main wifi. Which is none, as I don't want to put parental controls on the wifi that I use! So that isn't going to give me what I need, I'm still interested in hearing how I provide a separate wifi for guests with parental controls on it. It must be feasible - I can never face the 30 min wait time to get the phone answered by EE to find out! 

EE Community Support Team

I'm afraid based on what you've suggested here @Verity51, I don't think we have an official way of implementing what you've suggested right now. 

There may be other solutions with third party options, but if you can't see the option to set specific parental controls for the Guest WiFi then it's not something we'll be able to offer.
