01-06-2022 08:03 PM
I have an issue with wifi calling on an s20fe and a a42 5g both work fine on WiFi calling apart from with my new ee router. A new router is on the way. I was looking at my WiFi settings on the phones there is one for mac settings it has 2 options it was on randomized the other being phone. When I change it to phone it allows WiFi calling to work on the ee router. My question is what are the differences between the 2 ?
01-06-2022 08:20 PM
However I see no reason why the router should really care.
01-06-2022 08:30 PM
Thanks. It was going well on phone but then it went wonky again sigh. Guess I will have to wait till the new router arrived an see if that resolves it. So frustrating 😫 WiFi calling works grand outside the house and with my mifi spot just very temperamental on this router
01-06-2022 08:35 PM
With each of those 2 types of MAC for your phone look in your router at what types on Connected Device it thinks they are. I'd expect there's a good chance that with: