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Getting very slow home broadband speeds for the last 2 days.


I'm on a wired connection and work from home on a PC.

Yesterday and today download speeds have dropped to a pretty constant 13 megabits per second.

No changes to my system.

I'm in Leicester.

Anyone else experiencing similar ?


Thanks, Gary.




Looking at the events log i'm being port-scanned :


From a Netherlands IP : 


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@blipblop  To help you it would be better if you could answer the following questions often asked by @XRaySpeX 


If you would like help with your BB speed or connection issues, please would you carry out the following steps for starters, which will enable us to diagnose the problem and advise you further. Do not restart your router to do these tests:

1. Post your full router stats:

  • For a BrightBox: login and go to Advanced Settings > System > DSL Status. Also post 'System Uptime' from top of System Log page.
  • For a SmartHub: login and go to Advanced Settings > Technical Log > Information. Obscure your names & any numbers in the BB Username & also the SSIDs.
  • For other routers: login to it according to the label on it as the admin user & navigate looking for its router/connection statistics.

Full router stats are key to any speed & connection issues.

2. Try a wired speedtest, using an Ethernet cable supplied with the router, here . Click on the "Results Page" button at the bottom of the graph you first see and then copy to here just the "Link to this result:" link that you see below the next main graph.

3. What does BT Wholesale Broadband Availability Checker estimate for your phone number? Post just the whole table and the line above it, blanking out your phone number. If it doesn't recognise your phone number or you don't have one, use the Address Checker, not the Postcode Checker.

Thanks Mustrum.

Connection status: Router working correctly

Connection type: External (FTTX)

Firmware version: v0.05.02.02081-EE

Firmware updated: 23-Mar-2023

WAN link speed: 1000 Mbps

Network uptime: 0 Days, 14 Hours 00 Minutes

System uptime: 0 Days, 14 Hours 00 Minutes

Speedtest result page : 

BT Address checker results :

bt address checker results.png



I rebooted it but no change, still getting ltos of reported port scanning in the event log, this time from a Spanish IP, so either these are false positives or someone on a VPN is scanning me.

The router doesn't report what it does in response to port-scanning, i assume it's just dropping the packets.

Speed test results are the same when the apparent scanning is not going on.

I've only had the slow speeds since after the firmware upgrade, only other thing that's changed at my end is that City Fibre are in the area doing upgrades to cabs.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Thanks @blipblop   those results are not good. 

As you are on FTTP fault finding is more limited than XDSL, but is there a reason your router was reset 14 hours ago?

With your speed test was that via WiFi or direct ethernet?

Are you able to do the speedtest again via ethernet with no other devices connected to the router, via ethernet and WiFi?

Thanks, i restarted the router to see if it cleared the problem.

Speed test was via ethernet to router, no other devices attached, i work from home and the PC is the only networked device switched on during the day, apart from my phone which wasn't active during the test.



EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@blipblop   if you have not already done so I would contact the Broadband Care Team to get this looked into. 

As for your other points, the router firewall will do its job and block the port scans, as you say it doesn't say what they are doing.

City Fibre is a separate network from Openreach  so should not being making any impact to your connection, but who knows if they have damaged an openreach fibre or something.

HTH and you get it sorted quickly. Let us know how you get on.

Great stuff, thanks very much mustrum 🙂

EE Say no fault in the line to the property, they tried to 'refrsh' the router automatically but couldn't do so and advised me to turn it of and on again.

Realised my girlfriend's laptop was on so tomorrow morning will disconnect everything and run another speedtest wired to router again.