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EE Smart Router: No Internet with 2.4Gh only. Teething issues


Okay, has anyone seen this kind of nonsense before?

New router = new passwords to all IoT devices. Bulbs, bells, cameras, whatever have you. A lot of them like 2.4Ghz only. Right? 

So my old router ( also EE ) allowed me to have two different SSIDs. One for 2.4 and one for 5. However this "new router" only has provision for the same SSID for each channel. 

And, more over, if I turn off the 5G channel, I get not internet connection. So even if could, finally, connect my 2.4g devices, they'd not be able to access the internet. 

So I've upgraded my broadband, actually doubled the speed, but I've halved the network capabilities. 


I can't imagine that EE don't know about this? I'm not the only person to have 2.4g devices that need a network, right?

Does anyone know any solution? 

The specific new router that I have has the firmware: v0.05.00.03231-EE 
It reports the connection type: Fibre Broadband (
Upstream sync speed: 29.267 Mbps

Downstream sync speed:159.056 Mbps

I have no idea what to tweak next to get a functioning 2.4g network. 

Anyone any ideas?

Ace Contributor
Ace Contributor

It sounds like what you are describing is the Routers WiFi AP Names  is combined for both 2.4 and 5 Ghz, ie, all under one Name, pretty much All Routers that have this Option at Default, also have the Option within the Admin Settings to separate the two Bands into differing AP Names and therefore offer a more controlled Set Up for differing 2.4 and 5 Ghz Devices for each Band which will be more suited to control your connected Devices and solve the issue..

Thanks @EssexBoyEE , you're spot on with the problem. 

The  solution still evades me though. There is no such option to "split" the channels, that is, give them different SSIDs on this router. 


Follow up on this. 

The only way with the new routers, to get this functionality, is to get in touch with customer services. 

I texted HELP to 60071. 

Then ADVISOR to the same number. 

Spoke to a cat that told me that the reason the mixed network doesn't work is because of some kind of interference on my network. I don't think that's true, but I could be, I'll investigate deeper. 

However, he said, sure, I'll split the SSIDs out to two different networks. 

I said thanks very much. 

Hung up.

Networks SSIDs still not split.

I'm going to have to call them back. 

This has not been a great experience to date. Given that I could do this all my self on the old router.

"Smart routers" maybe to "smart" for their own good. 

Maybe think about this if you have a mixed 2.4 and 5 network requirement. 

I've no idea why this is not a priority for them, given that I've just go devices that anyone could have bought from Amazon, like bulbs, radio switches, etc....

No resolution to date. 😞 Double boo.


Second call fixed it. 

The guy, this time, just said he pressed "refresh" on the router, and we did the old IT fix too...turn it off and on again. 

All working.

Very frustrating that this s not in the control of user land. 

Scholarly Contributor
Scholarly Contributor

The EE Smart Router does not permit the 'splitting' of the 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless networks. Neither am I aware of anything that can be done remotely by support to achieve this.

I assume the lack of functionality has a lot to do with removing complexity from EE's Smart WiFi offering.

Glad to hear you've sorted your problem @_broken_wifi_ , however for anybody else with a similar complaint, here are some things you can try...

  • Temporarily disable the 5GHz Wi-Fi radio in the Smart Router settings, connect your 2.4GHz devices and then re-enable once connected.
  • Similarly, try temporarily changing the Wireless 'Mode' of the Smart Router from 1 to 2 (or 3). Again, you may be able to revert this setting once your 2.4GHz devices are successfully conected.
  • Try fully factory resetting and re-onboarding the 2.4GHz devices (especially helpful if you have previously had them connected to another router).
  • Configure an old 2.4GHz router/access point/extender to use a different wireless name/SSID and connect it to your Smart Hub (there may be some additional configuation of the second access point required here, so ask if you're unsure). 

@_broken_wifi_ - I've no idea why disabling the 5GHz radio had any impact on your 2.4GHz network conectivity. I've done this before and everything was fine 🤔

How do you get to the smart router settings? 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@A-R2 : Login to your EE SH/SR at with the admin password on the bottom of the slider label on the back of the router.

If you think I helped please feel free to hit the "Thumbs Up" button below.

To phone EE CS: Dial Freephone +44 800 079 8586 - Option 1 for Mobile Phone & Mobile Broadband or Option 2 for Home Broadband & Home Phone

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