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Classed as vulnerable feel its been used to others advantage


Signed up couple months ago as was offered by ee a package deal and to pay virgin early exit cost. We don't have to do anything that EE does everything just plug equipment in. They did nothing like that,  they only took over the landline from virgin voiding our package deal and made bill £100 ish a month not 40ish. Didn't pay the early exit fee and didn't take over as promised so now owe virgin hundreds because I was unaware that EE failed to fulfil sign up agreement.  Still haven't activated discovery + or 6 months free apple help when called.... and then I feel that  as soon as i informed them that I'm classed as vulnerable due to my mental health their whole attitude changed once I  answered their questions on how it effects me etc they used my conditions and how I need to have additional support to their advantage. They literally did everything the complete opposite to what was just explained (eg I need to have my carer with me to assist and that I can't manage too much information all at once in short space I get confused and get lost in the conversation,  and  they did exactly that and just talked over me and tried to make out that I'm  wrong and can't be remembering properly I completely feel taken advantage of and not   spoken to like an adult .tried to deny qnd lied about the situation with virgin tried to blame me and tried to get put of sorting it and EE taking accountability,  I was meant to get a main TV box for front room,  recordable etc etc , a mini box for bedroom with free Netflix   discovery + qnd 6 months free apple tv


I got q mini box (streaming box not many of the free channels), can't record on it etc  I got an apple tv box.


After numerous times being fobbed off I finally spoke to someone last week and she tried to make me question myself and my memory etc , spoke over me, bombarded me with information I couldn't keep track etc saying that the mini box is for bedroom and that the apple tv box is my main tv box, and she wouldn't listen to me trying to explain that i signed up for a proper ee tv box that I can record on etc (why would I pay for ee tv ,have all those channels but can't record anything) and her answer was the apple tv box is my main box saying I can record live tv on it etc wouldn't listen to the fact that I never asked fir an apple tv box,,,I got the 6 month trial and I said yh that is an app ... I was told I would get a recordable ee box and a mini... I can't hardly watch anything cos no plus 1 channels,  can't record and have to watch everything live or on qn app if its on there and alot of my shows ain't on catch up etc and alot of channels missing. So again I was taken advantage of and she used th3 virgin  issue I was struggling to keep up with to get out of sorting it out and ended the call leaving me confused and upset that yet again someone has tried to take advantage of my vulnerabilities and used my conditions against me. The severity of my conditions leaves me easily in situations that are used to others advantage, and its triggering having effect that has a negative effect,causing  impact on my mental health. I find it extremely upsetting that people will use someone's disabilities etc against them just to get out of admitting the mistake their colleagues made and sorting it OR just to get out of having to actually do work. They should think what if it was my mum or loved one that called up a company just trying to get help etc and they was made to feel stupid and embarrassed and causing them to question themselves and triggering their conditions etc, how would they feel hearing a loved one was treated like that and the effect its had... they wouldn't like it that's a fact, so take q second amd think avout how your going to deal with someone and think that it's not  OK to not bother and fob someone off and speak to them like a child  just cos it makes your life a bit easier,  try and treat them properly and help them if they need it just a bit of compassion it goes a long way..and because of all this and the constant fobbing off and delayed getting it acknowledged I  am out of the time frame for Ee to have to do anything so this has now cost me hundreds that I can't afford so it's now impacted my credit score cos it shows non payments and owing money ... sorry for long post but I'm not good explaining things in a short way . I just want to know how I activate those channels and get a proper tv box .. qnd has anyone else had issues similar to mine and if so what did you do.... thank you for you patience if you got to the end thanks for taking the time to read it all and I hope there's some helpful information out there 



EE Community Support Team

Morning @Skillerz81 

Thank you for coming to the community.

I would really like to help and have sent you a private message for some details, please could you take a look and get back to me? 

Thanks so much. 
