Broadband Speed


I have the Full Fibre 150 service where I am guaranteed at least 100mbps. I am not getting those speeds (getting high 80s) I do use TPLINK devices that use the household network loom to use an Ethernet connection which I think are the cause as I have connected direct to the hub using a 10m ethernet and get the 150mbps

I wondered if the broadband filters as mentioned on the start up page here will give me the higher speeds. Also do EE/BT sell these or recommend any particular brand/model. I am struggling to get through to a human that can advise me


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@F0ssil  if you’re using powerlines you will always have a reduced network speed. That’s the nature of these regardless of whatever one you go with.    Your home wiring wasn’t designed to have a network connection through it even if it does work.   

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

Hi Chris, So would the broadband filters be better? and if so which are the best ones to go for.

The powerlines i have now are old and only viable up to 100mbps it would seem, ive seen AV600 (specifically the TL-WPA4221KIT) which is good for up to 600mbps, so would i get the 150mbps even with downgraded speeds that the powerlines offer?

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@F0ssil   the filters are used in the older DSL broadband lines to keep the higher frequencies used in DSL broadband away from the phone signal - nothing to do with Full Fibre that you say you are on.

No way of telling if better powerlines will give you better speed until you try them, It all depends on your internal mains wiring and the distance between the router and end device - but at least you stand a chance,

That said what spec ethernet cable did you use? Anything better than Cat5c should give better than 150Mbps. And decent ethernet should be better than powerlines as ethernet is designed to carry data at high speed.

hi Mustrum, I think it is a regular Cat5 cable, I may have a Cat 6 at work but if i did not sure if id have the length (prob need 5 or 6m. I ended up ordering theTL-WPA4221 KIT online this will be here tomorrow. I am hopeful as I get 86mbps from old TL-PA4010P which are only rated to 100mbps. The 4221 is rated to 600 so with downgraded performance if be happy with 150 :). ill post back here to give the results when they arrives sometime tomorrow

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@F0ssil  Cat5 is only rated at 100Mbps, so you did well to get a bit more.

Do try a Cat6 when you get a chance, then you can decide if any extra speed and reduced latency works better for you.

Byt yes, please do let us know how you get on tomorrow.


I never actually knew that, looking at the cable it is Cat 5E which i read is rated to 1gbps


Hi All,

The new powerline WPA4221 did NOT provide extra performance, I got a max 91mbps download from them, I went onto TP-Link support and they replied with the below which indicates you wont get a percentgae of the powerline rate, but you will get a percentgae of what you service is. So i am getting baout 60% of my 150mbps (which is what my old powerlines game me.

Ill be returning the new ones and finding a way to hardwire my connection directly

since the powerline adapters connection runs thorugh the electrical circuit, it depends on the electrical line for the connection, you can only get 40-60% of the speed. So its a normal speed you are getting. I do apologize for the trouble

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@F0ssil   thanks for the update. At least now you know, even if it is not the result you had hoped for.

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@F0ssil The TL-WPA4220 KIT has a 100Mb/s ethernet standard port, so you wont get anything more, it is a smoke an mirrors with the advice of the AV600. Never heard of the 4221, is that just a typo, Its a wireless N wifi 4 device, Use two of those myself, so can assure you that is the speed.