11-12-2024 10:18 AM
I have a new EE Router & Full Fibre with Digital Voice & an EE Extender in another part of the house. All has worked well & to spec. for the last 3 months, or so. It's nominal rate is 150 and it has been achieving close to that.
Digital voice & TV (linked by ethernet via the ring main) work perfectly.
When I try to use the internet via the router it gives me the first screen then fails. However, if I try to connect via the extender it works OK, though more slowly. This has been tested on 3 different PCs one of which is a laptop which is rarely used, with exactly the same results - so it isn't a PC problem. I have noticed that a speed test, done via the main router just before it disconnects shows a rate of about 49 versus the 150 or so claimed. Connection via the extender is about half that rate - 25 or so.
All the usual "remedies" have been attempted - power off, reboot etc. It still persists. Could it be that somewhere in the chain from router, via fibre to the exchange, there is a component that won't/can't run at 150?
11-12-2024 02:14 PM
I had a session with the EE folks who did a factory reset of the Router. It worked for less than a minute then dropped. I can get to the internet via the extender. So I'll wait for the Openreach technician booked for next week and use a much slower service at 25, (I'm paying for the 150 package), to be going on with.
11-12-2024 02:16 PM
I will update tjis item with any info that arises from the Openreach investigation, next week.
17-12-2024 02:35 PM
When I turn off the Wifi Extender upstairs, the Router links to the Internet but only at50 (I'm on a 150 contract !!). Now I'll switch the Extender back on & see if I get the 2 routes to the internet
working !!
17-12-2024 02:43 PM
Extender switch on. Both routes get to the internet but v slowly ???
17-12-2024 02:50 PM
@TIMBROOK66 What was the finding off the OR Service visit?