Adding my partner as account manager to EE Broadband


We are originally BT customers and switched over to EE for our broadband via BT (if that makes sense). Although the account was always in my husband's name I manage it and BT always put me as a named person on the account. Since switching to EE they have just put it in my husband's name which means I cannot manage it without my husband being present (even though it is my mobile number attached to the account and bank account). My husband asked if I could be changed to the account holder, they said no as it is a 2 year contract but I can be added as an account manager which we would need to do ourselves on the EE website. When we login I cannot find anywhere how to do that. Can anyone help, please?


@Annastasia : Nowt of this sort can be done by app. You have to speak to CS.

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To phone EE CS: Dial Freephone +44 800 079 8586 - Option 1 for Mobile Phone & Mobile Broadband or Option 2 for Home Broadband & Home Phone

ISPs: 1999: Freeserve 48K Dial-Up > 2005: Wanadoo 1 Meg BB > 2007: Orange 2 Meg BB > 2008: Orange 8 Meg LLU > 2010: Orange 16 Meg LLU > 2011: Orange 20 Meg WBC > 2014: EE 20 Meg WBC > 2020: EE 40 Meg FTTC > 2022:EE 80 Meg FTTC SoGEA > 2025 EE 150 Meg FTTP

Yes - also feel it is a step back from BT and wonder what position it leaves a household in if the account holder dies?


You find someone of the correct sex to be the account holder, we had to do this when my father died for another utility, it was the only way to manage the account which we were keeping open. It’s a step backwards, reminds me of the time when wives were just part of the husbands tax, I told the operator that, she’d never heard of that. And it wasn’t that long ago.

@Annastasia : EE has a process for just that, Change My Account in The Case of a Life Event , whereby you can either take over the a/c or close it completely.

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To phone EE CS: Dial Freephone +44 800 079 8586 - Option 1 for Mobile Phone & Mobile Broadband or Option 2 for Home Broadband & Home Phone

ISPs: 1999: Freeserve 48K Dial-Up > 2005: Wanadoo 1 Meg BB > 2007: Orange 2 Meg BB > 2008: Orange 8 Meg LLU > 2010: Orange 16 Meg LLU > 2011: Orange 20 Meg WBC > 2014: EE 20 Meg WBC > 2020: EE 40 Meg FTTC > 2022:EE 80 Meg FTTC SoGEA > 2025 EE 150 Meg FTTP

I am having exactly the same issue.    I was told to wait til  the transfer to EE was complete and then add myself as an account manager.      I cant see how to do it.   Another long wait to phone EE again I suppose!


I have just rung EE and they have confirmed that you cant add an account manager.      However we have power of attorney for each other and this can be registered with EE.     The email address is     I haven't tried yet but this will be the next try!