17-06-2024 11:45 AM
New to EE and I'm trying to link my broadband to my account on the app but it keeps saying the account number is invalid.
I've checked back and the one I am using is quoted on several EE emails so I don't understand thr issue.
17-06-2024 03:31 PM
@StevenMa You will need to call EE CS and have someone look at it.
07-09-2024 11:11 PM
I am having the same problem as a new customer EE don't recognise my account number either I have rang customer service numerous times but still not dealt with the problem - EE need to get more knowledgeable trained staff to sort queries out as still not sorted. Disgrace.
07-09-2024 11:13 PM
@Lucygirl2476 : Is this for fixed Home BB or a mobile router?