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Unlimited data for teachers


I can't click on suitable location but here is my question.

EE are giving unlimited data to NHS staff but I would like to request that they also do this for teachers who are working 12/14 hour (often longer) days from home (no overtime paid here!)

Last week I made 68 calls on my mobile to either parents or work related calls to colleagues. eg. one call to a parent was nearly 45 mins. Also online setting/researching for lesson/recording/ uploading, answering emails etc all day. All this is done at home at my expense.

It would be nice to see mobile phone companies supporting teachers in their work as well as supporting the NHS.


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Hi @allyKatz 


If your tariff is on unlimited calls them they won't impact your data. 


Don't you have home broadband to do research? Upload lessons? Why isn't this coved by the school, or why aren't you using the empty school classrooms/internet? 


I think NHS are much more deserving. If anyone deserves free data it should surely go to parents who are juggling their child's education at home and in most cases their own job at the same time. These people are more deserving. 



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Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Most schools will either give you or you can request a work mobile, least there was with the schools I went to, this was in 2011 though, but I don't see why they wouldn't do that - have you asked your school administration - the responsibility shouldn't really rely on the networks as bad as that sounds. 


If you're concerned regarding data usage (calls don't really count as their unlimited these days, so are texts) on pretty much any provider)),  Get you school involved. 


I agree it would be nice for EE to do this 🙂

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Hi @allyKatz 


As well as what others have said, EE do offer discounts to many companies and institutions. Have you checked if you can get the EE Perks discount?


My EE upgrades page has some pretty good prices for unlimited data as well which are not available to new customers, you could even save money depending on your contract status, especially if you can apply the Perks discount.

I don’t think you can say any one group of people is more deserving than another. 
There aren’t any empty classrooms at school due to being used by key worker children.