Transferring/ Porting number


Hi all, 


Been a few years since I’ve done this as I was with o2 for about 8 years, I’ve just switched across to EE. I gave them my pac code while completing the online checkout for my new sim and they also acknowledged it over the phone saying they will get this started asap and my sim will be with me in a couple of days. however I haven’t had any texts to say that the transfer of my number has started or anything, it’s been 24 hours since I got my new EE sim but all calls and texts still go to my o2 number so I’m not receiving anything with my EE sim in. Is there anything I need to be doing at all to rectify this? 

EE Community Support Team

Morning @Conor988


Thanks for coming to the community. 


I would suggest giving us a call on 150 from the EE phone and the team will check the port in request and the date this will transfer for you. 


Thanks 🙂

