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25-11-2020 04:33 PM
So I orderd a 12 pro 256gb graphite on the 4th November. Website at the time stated delivery within 21 days. Guess what, 21 days is today and no phone.
My last "update" via txt message was just over a week a go stated your order will be coming soon and since then... Nothing.
I've tried to get through on the phones and been unsuccessful.
I got somebody on live chat yesterday who first stated it should be delivered in the next 2 weeks and then, after I reacted badly to that, he said the next 2 days definitely.
Today on Twitter I got told that everything looked on track with my order and it should be delivered today on time!
I've had no despatch confirmation from EE or DPD so cannot see how this could be the case.
Seems like you speak to somebody different and get a totally different, conflicting answer every single time, which frankly, is just poor customer service.
I get the stock shortages and I get that it's Apple's issue not EE's BUT the false information and contradictory updates ARE EE's fault and I just want a clear answer.
Don't fob people off with an update that is totally different to what someone else has said?
Can somebody give me any worthwhile update on the whereabouts of my phone?
25-11-2020 05:47 PM
@CraigT77 EE are giving trying to give you a date as you did ask, you don’t want to hear it might be weeks.
EE don’t know what they’ll get from Apple on each delivery until they get that delivery. You’ll get your device and it’s just a case of waiting.
25-11-2020 06:12 PM
If they don't know when they will get stock and stick to the side of caution by stating ONE THING then fine.
Don't fob people off and make up different scenarios to suit. That's simply poor service.
Three different people telling me two weeks, two days and today as the delivery date just feels like lies or not having a clue.
If you don't have a clue at least stick to the same party line and communicate internally.
That is the part that is annoying people most.
25-11-2020 06:27 PM
Based on information I received from an EE customer service manager the way it’s been explained to you appears incorrect which is where the confusion starts.
EE rightly state “21 days from order”
this however isn’t explained properly because this has 2 meanings:
1 - 21 days (working) including Saturday
2 - 21days (working) not including Saturday
this is significant as Saturday only counts to clear backlogs, so you should get an estimated date I’ll give mine as example:
ordered : 2nd Nov (21 days)
dates given to expect: 30nov - 05 dec
so as you can see these expected dates now they are calculated as “Working” give a more accurate time frame.
also it’s worth noting that EE also specifies orders can take up to 28 days in all cases, the confusion comes from the website when ordering stating in stock, which I mentioned when discussing my order with the manager.
25-11-2020 06:51 PM
@Fragil3-p0rter that does make more sense... But like you say, how EE communicate that out is poor.
25-11-2020 06:58 PM
I 100% agree, the mixed communication is more the problem than the wait time itself, it needs to be simplified and the same across the board.
if you recalculate your timeframes you should get a better idea.
26-11-2020 08:58 AM
Same story for me. My 21 days suppose to be tomorrow and my order is still at "Awaiting Confirmation" stage. iPhone 12 Pro, Pacific Blue 128gb.
EE - are you planning on sending some communication about this? This forum is fuming with delayed orders and lack of clear (and honest) communication on your end.
Can someone please give me an update on the stock for the phone?
Thank you,
26-11-2020 02:42 PM
Update :
my iPhone pro 128GB graphite
ordered on Nov 2nd
arrived today 26th Nov
26-11-2020 03:55 PM
@Fragil3-p0rter good news! Did you get an update from DPD yesterday prior to delivery?
26-11-2020 04:04 PM
I got a text this morning on the day of delivery 🚚
I was shocked