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Screen protector fittings?


I've recently bought a new phone and I've replaced the screen protector on it several times because of dust getting caught underneath it!! Previously, I've had no such problem but for some reason this time round I can't seem to get it right. So my question is that if I came to an EE shop (after lockdown of course) will they be able to fit one perfectly?

EE Community Star
EE Community Star



Where a T-shirt and wash your hands and arms. 

clean the area down your going to use with a damp cloth.   Kitchen table is a prefect area 


wipe the whole of device with a damp lint free cloth ( almost dry cloth ) if you have glasses use the cloth you get them them and if you have glasses cleaner use that.  

Use making tape to clean the screen of the device by sticking it on the screen and pulling it off.   Inspect the screen very carefully for dust ( use masking tape if required again ) 
very carefully apply the screen protector.    


it’s the area your working in that also has to be clean,  no point in working in a dusty environment when you’re trying to apply something as a screen protector. 

I've done this like 3 times and somehow manage to get a few specks of dust underneath. Hence my wondering to see if a professional can do it. 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Ihsan_974   If you go to a store they’ll just fit it in front of you.  the store sales people are not professional screen protector fitters.     You’ll do a better job yourself if you clean down the area your doing this in.    I fit mine setting on the floor at a coffee table but I clean the area first and wash my hands to try and eliminate as much dust as possible.   I even clean the screen protector with a damp cloth before I remove the film on it.   

I appreciate this, however, seeing as though i have done this several times and still manage to get a few specks of dust that bother me; I do not trust myself to do it again. Therefore, might look for a professional in my local shopping centre and ask them to do it for me.