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Re: 4G EE Router on the 800MHz 4G only network

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Three year old post, but still a problem:


I'm having the same issue with an EE SIM in a relatively new iPad which can support 800MHz 4G, as it has proven to do so with a Voda SIM.


In an area where EE's only working signal is 800MHz, our iPhones (with VoLTE enabled) get a solid 3/4 bars of 4G, but the iPad gets nothing at all.


I understand EE's logic to bar access to 800MHz for phones which don't support VoLTE is to avoid a situation where a customer with no technical knowledge sees that they have a signal (on 800MHz) but is unable to make a call, and they can't understand why.


However, on data devices such as the OP's MiFi, and on my iPad, this policy seems an oversight at best, or at worst an illogical standpoint. Apple iOS devices in particular should be an easy fix given the use of operator profiles which can be customised on a specific model basis should the operator wish to avail themsevles of this feature.


Highly disappointing that after three years, EE are clearly uninterested in supporting data only devices on the 800MHz band. I can only hope the situation will be different for their 700MHz 5G band when it starts rolling out.

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @xpz393,


Welcome to the EE Community. 🙂


You shouldn't have any issues accessing the 800MHz band if you have a pay monthly data only plan. Please get in touch with Customer Care so our Tech Gurus can help.





Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Thanks for responding promptly @James_B 


Before I commit to spending what will almost certainly be a considerable amount of time on the phone to your technial support team, could you please give me 100% assurance that EE policy regarding the 800MHz band has changed, and will now allow data devices without VoLTE such as Apple iPads connect to the 800MHz band?


I'm sure you can understand how frustrating it would be for me to spend all of that time on the phone, only to be told that the situation is still as described by myself and the OP, that EE do not allow non-VoLTE devices to connect to the 800MHz frequency, even if they are data only devices on Pay Monthly.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Hi @xpz393 


By means of info, this scenario did cause a few issues in the early days of the 800Mhz rollout, and was why data-only devices were subsequently permitted to connect to the B20 layer.


As @James_B has mentioned, I would recommend contacting EE C/S in this case - it certainly isn't a deliberate policy decision as best I'm aware, but may well be something specific to the device you're using.

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Thanks @bristolian : That is indeed useful info. I've read a number of your articles on the forums on related subjects.


Thanks for taking the time to respond - that certainly gives me greater confidence that a call to EE's tech team will be time well-spent 🙂