Pixel 5 Not connecting to 5G after upgrade to Android 12


I noticed that after it upgraded to Android 12 my Pixel 5 would only connect to 4G.

I live almost next door to a 5G cell so I assumed it was down, except it was the same all over Edinburgh.

There is no outage of 5G reported by EE in Edinburgh.


It looks like the phone is unable to connect to 5G services.

I thought it might just be displaying the wrong icon, but I checked it using the Network Cell Info app and it is showing an LTE connection when it would always be 5G here.


As this has been the case for more than two days I can only assume there is a fault with the update, or it could be my phone has developed a technical fault that is unrelated to the update.


Has anyone else had this happen after the Android 12 upgrade or is it just a coincidental phone failure of some sort?






Ace Contributor
Ace Contributor

Are you using your phone with Dual Sims ?


Same here. No 5g on pixel 5 after Android 12 upgrade. 

I'm using dual SIMs (3/EE). When I first got the phone, it was published known issue that 5g didn't work with dual SIMs. It was later resolved by an update in Android 11 and I've had 5g connectivity for months on both SIMs. I'm assuming (hoping) it will be sorted by a future update. Fingers crossed.

Either remove or disable the other SIM and see if 5G returns on your EE Sim when your in 5G Coverage.

I am not using dual sims, and still have the problem.

At least I know its unlikely to be a flaky hardware fault.

Still not good though as this is an expensive phone.


I had the same problem. Just solved it by resetting my Network Settings.

Go to: Settings>System>Reset Options>Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth.


Good luck!

Yep, the reset worked for me. Many thanks.

Thanks everyone.

This worked.


It did mean putting my telling my car to forget the device and reconnecting Android auto and the wifi etc.


Have to say the phone is also crashing occasionally since the upgrade. It never used to do that!