New iPhone 13


Like most of you, I got the iPhone 12 Pro Max on release day, with Apple now confirming the new iPhone 13 to release next week, we will have to pay to upgrade?


Chris, if you are an Apple IPhone user then you will know bar a couple of the phones, the earliest they have even been released is September.

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Expert Contributor

Whilst there is zero obligation on EE to do this as it is covered by the terms EE would lose more if they don't at least in my case, and probably in others.


If EE waive the £300 fee for early adopters (and why are some people seeing £100 - something wrong there) they gain an iPhone 12 series device traded in worth up to £600 and lock that customer in for a further 2 years on the same or higher pricing with the high possibility of them getting a 13 series device traded in next year for the 14 series to repeat the process.


If they don't I'll just trade my 12 pro max in with Apple, pay Apple not much more than the £300 that EE want to upgrade anytime, only be locked into EE for another year at which point I'm free to renew with any network I like plus I'll own the 13 series device and can sell it next year rather than trading it in and getting nothing back from it. EE lose my iPhone 12 Pro Max which would be traded in and my guaranteed custom until 2023


Actually now I type this it makes less and less sense for me to upgrade with EE unless they waive the fee and even then there may be an argument to just go to Apple still as I suspect EE will force me onto the 512GB model again or even worse the 1TB when I don't need anything near that capacity but had to take it to meet the same or higher price plan requirement

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

This is exactly my thoughts let’s see if they do or don’t - whilst I have said above their is no obligation to do so you would have thought it’s in their interest to wave the fee to retain the customers otherwise I will myself trade my iPhone 12 Pro Max to apple buy the 13 pro max with the difference and walk to another provider next year. 

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

The other argument to this thread is that we all pre ordered as soon as the event aired last year but ended up not taking advantage of the previous years annual upgrade date - for a couple of months and then due to production delays that then put this back further? 

@ee would be good to get an official response as then we all know where we stand. 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@XJ03YXJ    Production delays are nothing to do with EE.  Holding up the release of a device has nothing to do with EE.  So why are you requesting this from EE ?   

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Established Contributor

Probably because the point of a business such as this is to 1 delight and 2 retain customers.


For the small subset of people that pay OTT prices for an annual upgrade contract so they can get the phone as soon as it releases, EE can guarantee locking those in for a longer period. 


By waiving the upgrade fee EE get:

1.Guaranteed custom for a longer period of time.

2. A promoter customer, who tells people how great EE is.


By not doing it (as they have done before, see the iPhone XS Max) customer A could. 

1. get a new contract with another network, sell their current device and pay towards remainder of EE contractor. 
2. become a detractor customer.


@shaunthejob  So obviously you’ve need looked at what I first put on here.  


But more importantly your contract that you agreed to you believe should be ignored just because you think it’s not fair.   

    It’s called a contract and that’s an agreement between two or more parties and any changes of that contract have to be agreed to by the parties involved not just what one side  of the agreement.  No point in saying I want I want it’s totally up to EE if that what to break the agreement to allow you to change the terms of that contract.   It’s not your choice.   

But like I said before you’ll probably will so why not wait and find out instead of banging on about it. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
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Established Contributor

Maybe you’re replying to the wrong person because that was my first comment and I said none of those things in it 🙂 

@shaunthejob  No I replied to you.  Because you seem to think EE should allow you because of what you’ve put. Keep customers happy and ignore the fact of the contract that a customer agreed too.   

  But wait and see until EE say something first.  


It was only shown yesterday. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Im pretty sure this answers our questions - looks like EE have understood what was right ..
