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Mysterious Landline 123 number charge


Hi everyone,


I noticed a strange call which I definitely didn't make on my bill this month, a 26 second call to 123, which is apparently a 'speaking clock'. I've read that some BT customers have had this happen, possibly due to technicians working on the phone cabinet and doing a test call, but it's very odd indeed.


I'll ring customer service tomorrow, but wondered if others have come across this.


Thanks in advance,


Odd Lion


I too have just noticed a call to 123 Charge Band TLINE made on a day when no one was at home. We were all 100 miles away. Noticed on here that it can be when engineers work on the exchange box, phoned EE to complain about this but had a really rude guy from EE that was insistent it was my equipment at fault as he tested line and said no faults on the line, although his senior did say yes this can happen, so one says yes, one says no - watch your bills everyone as unless you notice these charges albeit small, they can just ping onto your account without you knowing. EE agreed to refund this charge and said it won't happen again - however I will be checking my bills every month to make sure this doesn't happen again.