Leaving EE and Getting PAC Codes


We currently have five numbers with EE and we have been trying for nearly a week to get PAC codes for two of the numbers and to terminate the contract with settlement charges. We get nowhere on the live chat as it does not even recognise the names of the account holders, texts do not work as we are a business with multiple numbers tied to one account, the 150 line never gets picked up and everytime we try the optional mobile number or 0800 numbers published (just tried again prior to posting this), it goes through all of the options and then tells me the office is closed!


It seems very hard to communicate with a communications company!



Former EE Employee

Hi @RescueRod.


Welcome to the community.


Are you using the number on our business get in touch page?



Tried all three numbers, including 150, mobile and 0800.


This should be simple to sort.