It's a week since I placed my upgrade order, for an "in stock" phone..


Hi folks, 

I placed an order for my phone upgrade a week ago today. I ordered a huawei mate 20 lite, looking at the info, it has been in stock since my order, yet I have not received any tracking information at all. Looks like it hasn't been dispatched yet at all . Do folks usually have to wait this long  or longer, for their orders?! I can't find any way to email EE to enquire about this, and when going through the 150 number, it only tells me that I should wait for notification of dispatch?! I am somewhat disappointed  and frustrated, at having to wait so long! In the past, I have only used pay monthly sim in my bought phone. I fancied an upgrade and thought I would let EE have the business, as I have no issues with the service I have received so far. But now I am beginning to wonder if I have made a wrong decision?!

Sorry for the wee rant.. Like I said, disappointed and frustrated. 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @T0R1


I am sorry to hear this.


Did you get an email confirmation for your order with a 000 number?


Also, did you place your order online over the phone or in store?


Speak soon, Leanne.

Hi Leanne_T

Many thanks for your reply.. 

I decided to get in touch with EE through their "complaints" phone number. It seems like there was a missing letter from my postcode, which is why it couldn't be delivered. Thankfully, a lovely  helpful person called Holly found the problem and has had to reorder my phone. I am hoping that it will be delivered on schedule...this coming Thursday (1st November) 

Thank you for your interest in my predicament Leanne_T, much appreciated  

EE Community Support Team

Hi @T0R1


Thanks for coming back and letting me know.


Sorry to hear this happened and hope you get your phone soon 🙂





I am having the same issue.  On my EE app i have a 000 order number and an "expected delivery date" of 26-Oct to 29-Oct.  Still not heard anything.  Worked from home yesterday just incase


Any advice would be grateful?

I phoned the complaints number, and seemingly there was a letter missing from my postcode, which stopped dpd delivery  

Hope you get your problem resolved soon... 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @bezwin36


Thanks for coming here.


If you give us a call on 150 we will check the order for you and be able to give you an update.


Thanks, Leanne.