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Graphite 12 Pro

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Just wondering if anyone has actually got their delivery of a Graphite 12 Pro recently?


I ordered a 256gb variant a month a go and still no sign of delivery. 


Just looking on carphone warehouse and they offer a delivery date of the 12th January for the graphites!


We EE being beyond vague and give no actual dates I was just wondering if anyone had took delivery of on recently.


I really don't want to be waiting until next year!

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@CraigT77  Customers have received them but like you EE are a customer of Apple and are having to wait on Apple to ship them more and until a device can be allocated to you unfortunately you’ll have to wait.   Apple are also struggling with their suppliers for parts for the device and cannot keep up with demand.    

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
Established Contributor
Established Contributor

@Chris_B does nobody at EE realise that it lack of any degree of certainty that is the problem? 


People are aware of the waiting game but the information from EE is non existent? It's bordering on ridiculous.


If you go on any of these websites NOW you get the following timescales for a graphite 12 pro 256gb delivery:


Apple direct - 17th - 23rd December

O2 - 2 weeks

Vodafone - 4 - 5 weeks

Carphone Warehouse - 12th January


What's the party line for timescale from EE... we have no idea!?! 🥴


THAT is why you have so many people on these forums angry and frustrated.



I got my graphite in less the. 1 week.i recive  the phone on 13.11.20 ,fast.. i think that i was lucky