Food Glorious Food!

EE Community Support Team

Hi Everyone.


I’m not going to, lie I adore looking at food pictures and reading peoples recipe's and trying to recreate these at home.


I’ve just got a slow cooker (yes, I am way behind the times) but I love it and I’m starting to try new things knowing I can get home and it will be ready to go. Simple, quick and tastes amazing.


I will share some pictures, as I usually eat everything before I get to take a picture.


So, I am wondering what are your favourite things to make at home or eat when out and about?


I would love to see your pictures and read your recipes!


You may be trying to cook healthier and would like to share your experience?


Let’s get cooking 😉


Amazing thanks, ðŸ¤”🙄🤗

But i did eat aredy,,, any way i willl love to do something,, let me know when do you planning 

to do this, let me  know i am allwes in diet and allwes try to control my impulses.

thanks for that invitation,

i holp see u sone 

Former EE Employee

Hi @David237.


Welcome to the community.


Which post in this thread is it that you're finding amazing?


Sticking to a diet is always hard!

