Changes to the way you log in to the EE Community - coming soon

Former EE Community Manager

You will already know the EE Community and our website, especially My EE, are very separate and today you need one log on and password for community and another for My EE. Very soon we will be linking these up and everyone will use their My EE log on for both.


How will I log in to the EE Community?


Soon, to log into the community, you will use the main log in and register buttons in the meganav at the top of the screen as below:


login 2.PNG


From here you’ll be taken to the My EE log in and register pages to access the EE Community.


When you log in you’ll be presented with the My EE dashboard which will have a community tile/button on the far right, which when clicked, will take you back into the community - it's really clear to see what to click to get you to Community.


The current “Log in” and “Register” buttons which sit alongside the search bar in community, will be removed. But when you’re logged in, your avatar will be present in the same place as today, just without those buttons which you can see below.


login in 1.PNG



Why are we changing the log in process for Community?


We’re doing this as we know many people get confused by our current log in buttons and the fact there are two. We see users all the time clicking the meganav (My EE) buttons expecting these to be community log in, and they are then entering the wrong log in details. Also, because the two areas are disjointed, we’re not able to give users a personalised experience or help them as we might, because on community we don’t know who users are in the background and therefore aren’t able to help them with account specific issues. Moving forward this will improve the experience for all.



What if I don’t have a My EE account?


If you don’t currently have a My EE account you’ll need to go through the registration process and get one. It doesn’t take long to do. You don’t need to have an account with us to do this - just complete the My EE reg process and then bypass associating any products.

I already have a My EE account, will I need to link this to my community account?

Yes. The first time you log in post go live, when clicking on the community tile in My EE dashboard, you’ll be taken through a reconciliation screen, which will allow you to link the accounts.


Is there anything I can do before it happens to make this a simple change?


Indeed there is. You won’t be able to have different email addresses on the community and My EE, as some users have today. The My EE account will be the master account, so in anticipation of when we make this change in a few weeks we recommend you update your My EE and community accounts so they match, with one preferred email address.


It's going to be quick and easy to log in to the EE Community, and will help us to support you even better, but if you have questions or concerns please tap "reply" below to voice your thoughts and I'll do my best to help.




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thanks a lot!!


Thank you so much for giving us a inforamtive concpet. I do admire the effort and eager to know more.

EE Community Support Team

Welcome to the community @create0


We will keep you updated 🙂


Have a lovely weekend.

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Are you adding 2FA as well?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @uvarvu


We will keep you updated with any changes 🙂



Star Contributor
Star Contributor

@uvarvu, I hope so too for 2FA.


I prefer the separate forum account that is not linked to EE customer account, even if it means a different email address and password just for the community forum.