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Apple watch Data INELIGBLE Just rejoined EE but will cancel as service so poor

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

EE should hang their heads in shame, no return promised calls and no response to 3 emails.


Just taken out 3 24 month contracts with EE


ONLY reason to change from Virgin was to use data plans on 2 Apple 6 watches


I have the message that the internet is litered with EE members pulling their hair out, it seems for 3 or 4 years EE cannot get to grips with this.


Message "Your EE account is ineligble to enable mobile data on your Apple watch. Contact EE etc"


I have seen so many posts and the general concensus is best of luck!! you need to strike lucky with getting someone at level 2 whao actually undersatnd the problem. Level 3 is the only way.


I knew I was being fobbed off on Friday, promised a call back today (Monday) but knew it was not going to materialise. It Has Not!


Sent three emails to the person I was speaking to who arranged the level 2 putting me through. No Replies 😞


I will need tocancel these 3 contracts before the 14 days, sooner actually due to the watches otherwise I'm massively out of pockecet.


Have been told I have lines available to me, I am eligble and it should be working.


This IS an admin thing as untill the message of "INELIGBLE etc" disappears there is ZERO chancee of moving forward! 


I will lose the will waiting for EE or being asked to pair/unpair switch off/back on over and over again.


Please help

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

I'm contemplating waiting till Saturday and if nothing changes then I may cancel and join Vodaphone as they have pretty much the same deal 

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Yeah I gave up three contracts with Virgin that had far better data plans for the same money, but only changed so I could use two Apple watches!!


The most positive response I've had so far from a Level 2 tech was in response to "I may need to cancel if it can't be sorted" ah, I can help you with that if you like!

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

at least they are able to help you with something 😂

Established Contributor
Established Contributor



First this is not a dig at you but surely you are sick to death having to comment on this subject let alone highly embarrassed? I know I would feel like that 😞


There are so many threads going back 4 years and counting on this subject, here is just one!


Below is a link where on page 1 of 32 lasting over 12 months you offered help on this very issue. September 2017


In over 12 months no one got sorted.




Apple should not be allowing EE to run contracts on their watches.


We are all still getting the same excuses and reasons everyone who gets an issue has been getting for 4 years

EE Community Support Team

The cause of problems like this can be many different things, @MSV-10.


I'm just saying that the best way for us to look into this problems like this is on an account by account basis to find out what is causing the problem for you.



Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor


another new sim only customer having WiFi calling issues so I suspect he also has 4g calling issues as well that he doesn't know about 

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Established Contributor
Established Contributor

I think these issues occurred from our numbers being ported. 

Does anyone have this issue if you just became a new customer of EE and didn’t have an old number ported?



Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

yes I never ported mines a brand new number 

Established Contributor
Established Contributor



Thats disappointing for me as yesterday the Device specialist said to me something had not provisioned across during the porting!!

So it is something more global!