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WiFi calling on another apple device. Bouncing between apple, EE, and virgin.


I currently have a ticket raised with Apple and also raised one  with EE (19909537) because I can’t get “Wi-Fi Calling on another device” working with my Mac and iPad Pro.  This feature is advertised on EEs website.

 I think it’s called “smart numbers” and a search on this community will throw up loads of customers that have had similar problems but nobody in EE technical support team seems to have heard of it. To provide a quote from the engineers  “EE provides sims and has nothing to do with Wi-Fi / if the device does not have an EE sim in it it not their issue”.

Apple support have been fantastic and have been through, in detail, issues it could be with software setup / and hardware at their end.  I am a retired comms engineer so this isn’t exactly rocket science for me lol. Apple  have also asked for the ticket number for my EE call so they can liaise directly if required to resolve my issues.
It has been suggested in previous posts on this forum  that re-provisioning of my account may rectify this but the technician refused to follow this up or raise the issue further.  Virgin were slightly more helpful and I have ensured the necessary firewall levels and pass-through  are enabled on my router to prevent the calls from being blocked (thank you Apple)

Please can anyone help ? I am more than happy to accept that it is not an EE issue but I would like this information to come from someone who has at least heard of this EE promoted capability. My next step, as my existing account with EE renews in 3 weeks, is to move to a carrier that does support this capability. 

Fingers crossed……

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Karl2023  I was an early adopter of this service and if I remember correctly one of the issues that had to be reset was location services I’m not sure what this has to with it but if I remember correctly there was talk of this on Apple website and some users got it working with a reset.  

Thanks for that - makes sense as Wi-Fi calling on other devices needs location to be available to EE to service emergency calls and allow correct charges I guess.  

Nope - still the same - nevermind it was worth one last try :-). To be honest,  I kind of forgot in the process why I needed this capability anyway :-). It works on three of my devices so that probably enough to go with for now.

Take care, hope you have a good day. 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Karl2023   If I can find anything else on this I’ll post back on here.   

Thanks Chris much appreciated.

As  EE  appears to be the only UK provider to support “Wi-Fi Calling on supported iCloud-connected devices” I’ve convinced myself this is the best I’m going to get 🙂

Maybe my watch and iPad mini are not supported. 

But thanks for looking in to this for me. 


Haha looks like Apple have done an EE on me too.  


Way too much hassle to continue down Apples suggested route.  You can only reset things and turn things off and on again so many times lol. I am happy this has gone as far as it needs to. I’ll keep an eye out just in case by some minor miracle someone else is successful with this issue though. 🙂

Found the solution -  switched to three network.

 Only paying £12 for 120GB 5G @ 400Mbps for a 12 month contract. Can I do Wi-Fi calling on other devices ? Well I’ll let you know but for half of what I’m paying EE - I don’t really care as I got a data Sim for my iPad included to share the data allowance :-).