08-12-2024 06:34 PM
My iphone 16 says "inelligible for eSIM transfer" - any idea why?
kid b
09-12-2024 10:43 AM
Hi @kidb,
Welcome to the EE Community
Is that trying to transfer the eSIM via the settings menu on the phone itself? If so you can try doing it via the EE app instead by logging in select the profile button in the top right, then Settings and permissions, then Replace my SIM/eSIM and follow the instructions, as part of the activation it will send a PIN via text to your number.
10-12-2024 12:39 AM
Thanks! I did try that, but I can't login without a verification text from EE. But EE won't send the text - I've tried both my US phone number, and my EE UK number, but presumably that won't work outside the UK. I'm not sure why I need the text after I've already verified with the code sent to my email.
11-12-2024 04:52 PM