05-01-2024 09:34 AM
I stupidly chose the z4 flip phone which has broken in less than 6 months. Never been dropped and always been in a good protection case. First the manufacturers screen protector cracked, stopping the touch from working properly, It peeled off revealing creases in the screen so i contacted EE who sent a letter it was under warranty. in the mean time The hinge went. Couldn't open the phone past 90 degrees. Took it to a store who agreed it was a fault with the design. They were unable to give me a temporary phone so i am completely phone less. Just received an email from the repair team saying its not covered by the warranty because its damaged. Well yeah that is why ive bought it back!! They will not fix or replace it unless i pay £400!!! I have been with EE for over 15 years. Never made a warranty claim or missed a payment and this is how they treat their customers. The phone is completely spotless. Not a mark, sent or scratch on it.
If you are up for contract renewal i would avoid EE like the plague as their customer care is appalling!!!!! I have 4 lines open with you and I will be taking my custom else where as well as contacting the Ombudsman.
05-01-2024 10:41 AM
In order to pass an individual complaint to the Ombudsman, you need to have exhausted EE's internal complaints process first or be deadlocked after 8weeks.
Details are at https://ee.co.uk/content/dam/ee-help/help-pdfs/complaints-code-of-practice-june-2019.pdf
05-01-2024 10:42 AM
Thank you for your reply. I am going through those steps atm.
05-01-2024 11:23 AM
Hi @KDW41
You need then to clarify what them mean by "damaged" with evidence. The reason you took the phone in becase this hinge wasn't opening. It is ether a defect/wear and tear or deliberate. Unless it's deliberate (which I would ask them to prove) then the device should be expected to last more than 6 months and given the issues you have already had would suggest you have a dodgy handset which needs replacing.
I would ask for a quote depending on their reply and issue small claims court proceedings ( plus an extra £500 for loss of use/Stress and inconvenience) against EE and Samsung (1st and 2nd defendant), the ombudsman is a waste of time.
12-11-2024 04:01 PM
Hi my Z flip is in the same state . Its had normal wear and tear (been in a handbag) and not abused but the screen protector at the fold started cracking . The top half of the screen now no longer works to touch and the bottom half has flashing green bits along with a black strip in the middle . The phone is only 7 months old and this seems to be a common fault with Z flip phones . Where do I go from here as Im completely stuffed without my mobile.
13-11-2024 08:21 AM
Morning @WendyMclaren71
Thanks for coming to the community.
If you get in touch with our tech guides, they can run some troubleshooting with you and let you know what options are available.