What is wrong with the EE Entertainment package HD programs?


I cannot get any of the Sky HD channels that are included in my contract. What is going on. I can cancel from tomorrow. Totally fed up with EE so far.


I have the Now entertainment package and can view channels through the Now app on my TV, but not if i try to view them through the EETV guide. If for example i try to view Sky Atlantic through the EETV guide (channel 342) the following happens

a message pops up saying “you need to set up Sky Atlantic or add it to your TV package. Press OK for more info”

pressing OK brings up a screen with some general blurb and a button saying “ Get NOW channels on EE TV”.

Clicking that results in an error message:-

Let’s get you some more content.

Getting this content is easy, so let’s get started

give our advisors a call on 0800  800 150. Error code BTP-11195c.

If I can’t get is sorted I will cancel my contract in 3 days, which is the earliest.

This happens for each NOW channel that i am supposed to be able to view.

How do I “set up” the channels, so i can view them through the EETV guide rather than the app? I shouldn't need to add them to my package as they surely are already part of it. I am not finding the EE app or the Website particularly helpful in solving this issue.

Ace Contributor
Ace Contributor

The Entertainment package doesn't include HD as standard @Alanplatt - you need the HD add-on for that.

Many thanks for that. How much extra and how do I get it?

You'll need to call unfortunately. I think it's around £6 or £7 a month - I've not checked recently (I'm on holiday now, so can't check).

Once again, many thanks. Enjoy your holiday. Hopefully no more interruptions.

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Sorry that this isn't a solution, but this is exactly the issue I'm having after adding TNT Sports. I can see the channels through the Discovery+ app, but I cannot view them through the EETV Guide and I get the same messages.

Hopefully Darren will get you sorted. He has been brilliant with me.

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So can you now access those channels through the EETV Guide?


@markpeelg please email me at tv.apps@ee.co.uk including your account number in the email. I'll check your account as soon as I can (I'm currently traveling).