28-05-2024 12:00 PM
Has anyone had this issue I’ve removed my SIM card numerous times and turned my phone on and off but my SIM card is still showing as no sim?
28-05-2024 03:16 PM
Hi @Zaramorris
Thanks for coming to the community.
Is this a new SIM card?
Have you been able to try the SIM card in another phone to see if the same message shows?
Also, has the phone been dropped or any damage at all?
Leanne 🙂
28-05-2024 10:21 PM
Hi it’s an old SIM card the phone is about 2 months old haven’t dropped it, just for some reason it’s started coming up saying “no SIM card” and “invalid sim” have tried taking it out a good few times and it’s not working atall
29-05-2024 08:17 AM
Morning @Zaramorris
Thanks for coming back to me.
Have you tried the SIM in a different device to see if the same message shows?
This would help us to know if the SIM card has become faulty or the phone.
Leanne 🙂
02-06-2024 03:22 PM
Hi there I’ve got a new SIM card which is working for now but my sim that isn’t working is on contract is there a way I could get a new one sent out 😊
03-06-2024 08:17 AM
Hi @Zaramorris.
Thanks for coming here.
To order a replacement SIM please give us a call.
Alternatively, you can visit your local EE Store with photo ID.