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Sent out a Random SIM card


I have received a random EE Sim Card in the post today. It just came with a small leaflet that said “welcome to EE.” Nothing else.

The label has a 4 digit code, my initials, and a mobile number. I do not have any accounts with EE other than log in details to the EE shop. Why has this card been sent to me? I have used shops like Fone House and Carphone Warehouse before, could it have come from them?

I have spoke to EE customer services who cannot see any details belonging to me on their system and they don’t know why this has happened or where the Sim Card has come from. 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@hlf1  EE wouldn’t just send out a sim unless it was requested.   Do not use it and do not bin it.      You can not get a sim through carphone warehouse for EE anymore.  And Fone house don’t sell EE sims.       Does it say if it’s a PAYG sim ?  Does it have a top up card ?     You need to know if this is sim is a PAYG or sim only contract as you don’t want to find out you have a sim only contract in your name.      Personally I would call customer services and request confirmation in writing or email that you are not in contract with EE if it turns out that it is a Sim only contract sim 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

Thanks for your reply. No, it doesn’t have a Top up Card with it, literally all that was in the envelope was the sim (with a sticker on it with the mobile number on it and a 4 digit code) and a small welcome leaflet. When I called Customer Services and gave them my name and address they couldn’t find any information for me on their system. I’m very confused. 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Did you provide them with the SIM and/or mobile number to check the related account directly?

Hi, yes I provided them with the number which they also do not have any record of. They cannot see this number on their system. The SIM card was posted from a DXO site in Milton Keanes that EE use, but EE are saying they don’t have any record of it, they think it has been a mistake. I did apply for for a phone months ago but was declined at the credit check, however customer services are saying this shouldn’t have cause this as my details wouldn’t have been saved, so I’m not sure how a mistake could have been made that resulted in sending me out a sim? 

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Was the envelope addressed to you, @hlf1?

Was it a plain envelope or EE branded?

What did the welcome leaflet say?



Yes the enveloped was addressed to me. It was an A4 size Manila envelope, no EE Branding. The only indication on the front was the shipping label from GXO Logistics depot in Milton Keanes.

the leaflet is small, it says “welcome to EE” on the front with setup instruction inside. This was literally all that was in the envelope.

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

I've sent a message to your community inbox, @hlf1 
