Re: Sim Swap Fraud


So EE did an unauthorised Sim swap to a hacker with my phone number, they went into my accounts and changed passwords, I couldn't use my phone to call them, no online chat unless you enter a code they send to your phone first. Anyway, hacker quickly gained access to paypal, google wallet, emails, Uber app, facebook, Crypto, you name it, when I managed to use someones phone to call they would not reinstate my old sim and told me to go to a EE shop with ID, and in that time they managed to spend thousands and I couldn't gain access to email for over 24hrs, they have every aspect of my identity now, my personal and business accounts I had just sent to accountant, my ID, my share and asset info...absolutely everything so I am vulnerable for more identity issues in the future. I am absolutely furious that they did not follow proper security checks. I checked all my logs on other applications such as banking, facebook, email and only found logs of a different IP address logging in after they had authorised the swap so I can only see that EE has leaked my data in their app or something. EE told me the swap was done by phone and I should have been sent a code but that didn't happen, absolutely no one knew my password. I am awaiting to hear back from EE fraud team but I cannot believe when they have been doing this since 2018 apparently they have not learn't. The chap in the shop also told me he had reported security issues about EE authorising sims swops over the phone with no or little checks. What the hell? I am looking to raise this with ICO and get a solicitor as this will impact me for a long time - forever! 

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @Chrissylittle,

Welcome to the EE Community. 

I'm sorry to hear you've been a victim of identity fraud. I understand what a stressful experience this can be.

Our fraud team will be investigating this as a matter of urgency and will get back to you as soon as possible.


I called EE to ask for my data, call logs etc, they have sent their report to the ICO but apparently not going to get back to me at all? I assume an apology would suggest liability.  So I will make a complaint directly to the ICO myself.  Pretty bad on EE considering they are not learning from there security breaches.


The same thing happened to me in November last year.  Despite the fact EE knew I was in possession of my phone less than an hour before, they went ahead and issued a PAC code to a scammer calling from a completely different number.  In the first conversation I had with EE it was intimated that, as the scammer had 'passed security', it must somehow be my fault!   It also transpired when I eventually got the call log from EE that there was a 15 hour gap between the PAC code being issued to the scammer and me receiving the text notification (this should be immediate).  I didn't receive the actual PAC code and EE don't seem to know where this went.  I too am raising this with the ICO.    Like you, this will have a lasting affect on me as I am constantly checking my accounts (the ones I haven't already closed to minimise risk!) and my credit rating to make sure no loans are being taken out in my name.  It's an absolute nightmare.


This is exactly what’s happened to me and unauthorised esim swap. I had a text to say it’s been authorised and I rang 150 to say I haven’t requested that. Told it would be fine. Then next day a text to say 24 hours and the sim will complete its swap, I rang again to say no and was told nothing they can do it shouldn’t happen without a pin. Well guess what. Today the sim swap happened my phone has been cut off. I then got emails to say they were hacking other accounts and spending my money. Thank god I had a work phone so could cancel my cards. They spent £2000 mind. EE has simply failed me and yet I’m told to wait 7 days. I have no money and no personal phone. It’s disgraceful, no security how on earth can this be allowed to happen! I used to work for them, I will now ensure everyone knows what a joke they are 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Ready22 

Have you discussed this with our Mobile Care team since this happened? They'll be able to open an investigation to look into what has happened.


I explored every avenue with EE.  Totally unhelpful.  Just offered me £50 compensation which I rejected then set me a deadlock letter without even discussing the implications of this.   After that they refused to communicate with me further so I had to go to the ICO which resulted in EE suddenly responding to my emails!  I'd add here I am in my 70s with a heart condition and my husband is, and was at the time of the sim swap, underdoing grueling cancer treatment  but did EE care - not in the least!

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Ready22 

Welcome to the community.

I've sent you a private message with some information that may help you with your complaint.


Just out of interest, did you ever receive the actual PAC code?  I didn't just a message saying it had been sent to me some 14 hours after it had been given to the scammer over the phone!  This is despite me having called EE an hour before they issued the PAC code to the scammer following receiving a text from them asking if I was speaking to an adviser at the time and informing them I wasn't.  It appears to me these text messages are a compete waste of time as, regardless of whether you respond to them in the negative, the next time the scammer calls they just issue them with a PAC code.  Despite this, EE accept no responsibility whatsoever for plunging their customers into a never ending nightmare.