Lost sim card


I lost my sim card. How can i get my sim card back? In next few years, I will not go back to UK. 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@taowang  You can request a replacement SIM card but this will be posted to the UK address you have on your account,  this sim will need to be activated in the UK and used for a call or text before someone can then post this out to you. EE do not post overseas. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

I want to request  the replacement sim card but now im facing few new issues。

1. my ac show it i now closed。can i find my phone number back?

2.I cant see the final bill.

3.how can i request the sim card online?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @taowang 

For Pay as you go (Pre-Pay) the line goes into hibernation if it's not been used for approximately 6 months. It will then fully cancel after 90 days. 
You can find out more on our Pay as you Go hibernation page
As your online account shows it is closed the window to reactivate has now passed- once it is fully cancelled the number will no longer be available to reactivate. There is no final bill for pay as you go. 

it's not possible to request a replacement SIM while the account is closed.



i lost my sim card please give new sim card 

my sim card number is **********


[MOD EDIT: removed personal details from the public forum]

EE Community Support Team

Morning @Noorsandhu 

Thanks for coming to the community. 

If you have lost the SIM card, please give our mobile guides a call they will get your existing SIM blocked and send a replacement SIM card by post to your home address. 

You can also pop into an EE store with photo ID, and they can replace the SIM for you.

Our Lost or Stolen Mobile Phone help page, has more information on reporting the SIM as lost.

