16-05-2024 06:47 PM
I have a £15 Pay As You Go Bundle with UNL. text, UNL. calls and 25GB data. Because the data not enough for me , I tried to buy the £30 bundle (125GB data ,UNL. text and messages).
First time ,I just sent the message: PACK30 to 150… I had the answer: “Sorry i didn't recognise that. We have a new range of packs to pick from”…
Then I tried to different way: Cancel my current bundle and buy the new one.
Sent text(150): STOP PACK , then PACK30 and then I received the same answer: Sorry i didn't recognise that…
I didn’t have problem with EE ,but so annoying they advertise the £30 bundle but you can’t buy that! When the EE want to fix this issue? Kind Regards: Szilard
16-05-2024 08:05 PM
If you text ALL PACKS to 150 does it offer you the £30 pack & can you buy it that way?
16-05-2024 10:18 PM
Yes ,it is offer me that £30 bundle ,but when I text PACK30 ,I receive the same answer: sorry i didn’t recognise that….
17-05-2024 07:55 AM
Hi @Szicso
I'm sorry that you're having this problem with buying the pack. I recommend speaking to our Mobile Care team on 150 to see if they can add it manually for you.
11-07-2024 06:16 PM
i have 30 pounds credit and want to upgrade from 15 pound pack to the 30 one and i get the "sorry i didnt recognise that" message when i text pack 30
11-07-2024 06:54 PM
i have the exact same problem please help!!!! how did u resolve it
11-07-2024 06:55 PM
i have 30 £ balance and cant buy the 30£ pack , all other packs work but this doesnt
11-07-2024 07:36 PM
@corneliuMURARIU : What does texting ALL PACKS to 150 respond?
What does texting AL to 150 from your no. fully report verbatim (it is free)?
18-07-2024 03:13 AM
I solved this tiny issue:
Call 150!
Follow the instructions and you can change the bundles easy!