13-10-2023 02:37 PM
Hello, just need a help to fix a mistake, when you using text services with word PACK30 to send 150, it come back with Sorry I did not recognise that. Please fix this, as there no chance to buy 125 gb of data, and dont tell me to use an EE App, as I deleted it long time ago as this App never working.
13-10-2023 03:14 PM
Does texting ALL PACKS to 150 offer the PACK30?
16-10-2023 10:12 PM
Of course its offered, and its still not fixed yet 🤖
17-10-2023 07:58 AM
Have you tried selecting your pack by logging in to ee.co.uk @Profile closed?
We've also made lots of improvements to the EE app recently so I'd recommend giving it another go.
27-05-2024 05:01 PM
Ok, problem is not still fixed, but EE made it much worst.
ok, I have tried to select a 20 £ pack when logged in, but no...there is no option to select 20.
ok - I called to 150, and they say, Like I need to top up first 20, then to call to customer service again, as there is a problem so they will add my pack manually, but first if or when I top up it should start just automatically. Always to call to 150 when you need a pack/internet ? What about night time ? As, when I top up I could not add/buy any of internet add on, as there is mistake. Ok, when I top up 20£, it was after therd week of my current 20 pack, and its indeed automatically applied for new 20£ pack, but, here is problem, my current pack is still active and running and after top up its added around 10 gig of internet to current pack, and new one is waiting, but when its waiting its counting the days like its already active and running, so acctually I will use it when it start only three weeks, not 30 days, let me make a screenshots of this to put here
27-05-2024 05:08 PM
Add to this, text service to buy a pack, 20, or 30, or 10, does not work att all, system unavailable, since I started this topic, and this 82,9 gig of internet I never had, its 50 from pack and around 12 gig from free boost, even this balance is incorrect.
27-05-2024 05:09 PM
27-05-2024 05:13 PM
Text NOW to 150 to start the "Waiting" pack.
27-05-2024 05:27 PM
If I text Now - then I will lose current 14,6, gig of internet ? Wich I can use next 3 days,
I mean EE shoud fix their system & text services.
27-05-2024 05:33 PM
I can't understand why the pending pack should only last 28+ days.