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Faulty add to plan


Hi, I purchased a turtle beach headset through add to plan in March last year and haven’t used it much but in early December I noticed they no longer took a charge, I contacted EE about a replacement but they told me to contact the manufacturer, so I did and they gave me a link to a firmware update which I have tried to do but it would not complete the update. Turtle beach have said as I did not purchase direct through them I needed to return it to the place I bought it from. On the phone again with EE again this evening for nearly an hour and they are refusing to take it back! So now I’m stuck with a quite expensive paper weight. Anyone got any ideas??


Hi Rach,

Appreciate that, but it doesn't work.

I spent over an hour on the phone to 150.
They couldn't pass me to the team who deal with add to plan. They refused the call as I didn't have a reference number.

She gave me a number for channel returns but that just took me through to the same IVR menu so I can't get through to anyone on that number either.

Not a great experience considering the amount of money I pay EE each month.

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EE Community Support Team

Hi @Dan486
Although Sony are the manufacturer, they have a process in place specifically for repairs/replacements of in warranty items irrespective of point of sale.

You can reach Sony's repair service Here


Hi Ali,

Starting to get a bit fed up of being passed around the houses.

Under consumer law in the UK, there are 2 parties to a contract of sale. The trader, EE in this case, and the consumer, me.

In the case of issues, the case is between the trader and consumer, not the manufacturer.

I stated this to the agent I spoke to. I've stated this in the thread of this chat.

If someone else tries to fob me off to Sony again, I'll be raising an official complaint and passing the information across to the regulator and the ICO.

According to the agent I spoke to, she has already noted my account to confirm I can return the device for a replacement, but I can't get through to that department to get any sort of address details or confirmation that she has done what she said she would.

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EE Community Support Team

You'd need to contact Customer Service on 150 for any information that had been agreed with them. 

The returns team are not customer facing so you'll need to visit the link online


I have contacted them.
The team I need to speak to won't take the call as I don't have an order number from 10 months ago.
My bill from then doesn't show the order number and the customer service agent said they don't have a record of it.

The number the agent gave me for channel returns doesn't work.

This service has just been people trying to pass the buck onto Sony, or telling me to call 150.

All I need is for someone to take some ownership of this and get me to a suitable resolution

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EE Community Support Team

If you placed the order on our website or through Customer Service the order number will still show in your account order records, if you are still on the same EE billing account. 


When I go into the orders section on the app, it tells me it's not working. Been like that for over 2 weeks now.

But hey, EE have had their money right? Why bother trying to resolve an issue?

Sent from Outlook for Android<>
EE Community Support Team

Customer Service guides will be able to access a list of all orders that have been placed on the account. 


You really don't read my reply do you?!
The customer service guide I spoke to confirmed she isn't able to see the order number on their systems.

Sent from Outlook for Android<>
EE Community Support Team

@Dan486 Did you purchase the controller as an add-to-plan on your account, or was it an outright purchase from the EE store website? 

Add-to-plan orders are linked to the Mobile billing account. 
EE online store orders are completely separate sales process which mobile Customer Service team have no access to. 

EE store orders can be found Here 

If you need to contact the EE store team you can do so through the Contact Page
