16-09-2023 08:47 PM
Last night I ordered a watch upgrade on a whim as it was saying no fee to upgrade on my account. I have all the screenshots and the ordered went through and had an email stating this but no order number. With the chaos yesterday I’m doubtful about everything.
Thing is I have 2 watched on the account . Same contract and model etc. But now on my account both say there’s and upgrade fee of £179 something.
However I have an email stating the contract and clearly no fee and had my direct debit details and says I will receive watch on the release date.
online chat can be nice but they seem to have no access to sort out anything at all. They tell me to call but haven’t been able to get through all day on and off.
The £30 upfront cost has completed and again I have proof of this as it had been pending just after the order.
I had the chaos of yesterday with the phone upgrade and now this watch upgrade…. I’m even being told on chat that you can’t buy a watch elsewhere and use an ee standalone watch tariff which is completely false. EE should sort this out and as they have taken the upfront £30 then that would surely mean the order is accepted? However I can’t see an order number and something tells me EE have messed up again! 😞
16-09-2023 09:07 PM
@Penguinjen The upfront cost being taken doesn’t mean the order has to be accepted.
I know which early phone upgrades you have to have the same or more costly tariff if you upgrade early. Perhaps EE are also doing this with watches ( I don’t know ) so if the watch tariff you choose was cheaper then a fee will apply to pay off that contract. So was the new watch tariff cheaper than your current watch tariff?
16-09-2023 09:19 PM
Overall it’s more expensive.
However looking at the other watch same model and contract date that isn’t upgraded it’s saying £179 and also on the one I upgraded which is probably because it’s not started yet anyway but I’m doubtful the order has properly gone through. However if it hasn’t surely EE should call and why on earth have they taken the payment and sent the email stating the details. …..
It’s just one issue after another. I want to hold them to it as clearly they let me order it and I pay a huge amount per month for all the lines etc. but I doubt they give a monkeys.
I really don’t fancy moving away from EE but they really do mess up a lot. I should have stayed with paying for devices upfront and then just paying for the lines with EE or another provider. 😞
Just wondering if anyone had similar experiences or advice and whether they honour the order agreed?