02-10-2024 03:36 PM
I ordered a new android device (Google pixel 9 pro) on 27th Sept.
I still have no expected by date and have not had confirmation of dispatch, even though I have to return my current device by the 13th Oct, otherwise I will have to pay out nearly 400 pounds?
How can I find out when to expect it?
03-10-2024 09:42 AM
Morning @Gary-1980
Thanks for coming to the community 🙂
Which memory size and colour Google Pixel 9 Pro did you order?
You won't need to return the phone before you receive your upgrade.
If you have not had the upgrade nearer the time, please call us on 150 and the team can make sure the trade in charge isn't applied until you get the chance to send this back 🙂
Speak soon.