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Iphone pre order any updates


Is any one facing the issue.The track keep saying the same thing for past 3 days  will i be able to get my device .i try call them but unable to give the information from the ee side then what is the use of preordering.?

Sorry, we can't show your order details right now. 

Don't worry, we'll keep you updated on the progress of your order by text or email. Keep an eye out for these updates from EE or from our courier DPD.

For the latest news on device launches, pop by the EE Community.

For more info on ordering, or if your order hasn't arrived, visit our Help section


can i have any updates regarding this is any one facing the same issues


i have ordered 16 pro white titanium 512 gb and the reply i got from  @Chris_B was

you will get a tracking number once a device has been allocated to you of the model spec that you’ve ordered and you’re next in line for that product of that specification. 


any updates @Chris_B 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Striaxwierdo 

Which date did you place your order? 
Also can you tell me which date you received the order confirmation email please? 

I'll check the stock delivery details for you. 



Its on 17th September 2024 i placed the order and the same day i received the mail with cko number 


EE Community Support Team


Looking at the stock details, I can see any 16 pro white titanium 512GB ordered on the 17th initially had an expected dispatched of 28 days. 
Though orders placed on the 19th onwards had a next-day dispatch. So I'd have expected your order on the 17th should have also been delivered by now too. 

I'd recommend speaking with our Mobile Care team, they'll be able to check the detailed order and tracking for you. 
Contact Us | Help & Support | EE 


But haven’t got any updates regarding this and the coustomer care does attent any call till now have waited more than one hour in a call and its a pathetic service from the ee side 

EE Community Support Team


If your call is in a queue our agents will be busy dealing with other calls. 

You can use the call-back service where an agent will give you a call back when your turn in the queue arrives, without the need for you to stay waiting on the call. 
