23-11-2024 04:36 PM
To get your voice message red dot off
call voicemail press 3 and change voicemail settings
turn off enhanced settings and notifications
call yourself from a landline and leave a message
call voicemail from mobile and delete your message and then turn on notifications and enhanced features if you want
message notices should be gone now.
24-11-2024 11:49 AM
Thanks for taking the time to share this.
If anyone does have the voicemail message icon stuck and is not able to remove it, they can also get in touch with our customer support guides, who can help to remove it.
24-11-2024 12:27 PM
@Canadianbloke You don’t need to change any settings it’s not a setting fault issue it’s a voicemail server issue reporting a message that’s actually not there.
Just call your device from a different phone and leave a message then listen to that message in full and delete it, this resets the voicemail notification as it knows there is no message to listen to.