23-04-2023 08:07 PM
23-04-2023 08:17 PM
What has that "Post a new community topic" link got to do with being thrown off EE network?
Is there something we can help you with? Please explain your issue & circumstances in greater detail so we may be able to help you with it.
23-04-2023 08:27 PM
For some unknown reason @Derek645 wrote as a useless link:
We all suffer from Scam calls pretending to be EE etc. Its part of life for everyone now. So what happens when you get a Scam call twice in one day, then have a genuine call from EE which you also decline to take because you also fear that to be Fake too? They ban you immediately for RACISM !! They remove you from their network, withold your number from being transferred to an alternative provider. They stop your internet on the phone. Now I cant do any banking even on a laptop as banks ping me a security code to my mobile to access account. I cant go to work, Im self employed business owner,I cant order anything, pay anything or contact customers, nor can they contact me. The line is dead. The MP got hold of them and told them to turn the service back on. They did for 24hours, then I had an unexpected call from retention dept asking if 'there is anything we can do to prevent you leaving'. I told them the story, next thing I know its blocked AGAIN for the SAME thing. I dont know what kind of world these people live in. They themselves on their own website list warnings about FAKE Indian call centres pretending to be EE. When I mention I had it twice and dont want to speak to anyone unless they are inside the UK all of a sudden Im a racist! When I then ring back up continually to save my 20year business from going under they then accuse me of making nuisance calls. Then when I call back again to ask to speak to higher up exec, they say Im being reported to Security dept for harrassment! But they sent a text message confirming unlimited texts, calls and broadband yesterday confirming service until 21 May, and issued a bill. Just for the record, Im not a racist, nor an harrasser, nor a security threat. Im a 53year old contractor with £25 years+ loyal customer.
24-04-2023 11:26 AM
There is not much more to add. I called EE accounts earlier in the day to change a direct debit to a new bank account. The new sort code couldnt be accepted by EE so I asked them to not change any existing details to the account and I would call them back. The UK caller was clear, the line was good and there was NO misunderstanding on either side. Later that day I had a call (SCAM) incoming. The Scam call came from 0800 876 6267. The Indian guy at the other end told me there was a billing problem with my account and he needed my passwords and bank account details. For a moment I nearly accepted the call as it fitted in with the circumstances of the previous call. It was only because his English was SO poor I couldnt understand him that I asked to put through to a UK call centre. He refused and said he was speaking from EE in India account department. Then at the back of my head I remembered something about EDE only have UK call centres now. I lopked at my phone and it had an international prefix to it. I suspected a SCAM but only just and terminated the call. Later that say I tried to contact EE again, this time the person answered and I could not understand a word they were saying. The line wasnt as clear as it was before, and the accent the person had was unintelligible to me. I asked where the call was terminating as I was VERY afraid and unsure of the location and genuine-ness/validity of the where i had been connected to. IE i didnt want to be inadvertently connected to the SCAMMER. I did try hard to listen but explained in the end that I was not comfortable being connected to someone I couldnt understand or had any belief my call was with a UK call centre. I had rung up to give the corrected sort code and account number. I explained that I was nervous of who i was talking to and was uncertain it was within the UK and Ireland (as they all are now) and didnt want to give my details to a third world country such as India where scams and corruption are rife. Infact, EE's own website lists 'BEWARE INDIAN CALL CENTRE SCAM'. the next thing I know my account is terminated, ive been thrown off the network!! only the exec dept will take calls, account frozen, no access to CS. MP got involved and got it switched back on. EE rang me from the retentions dept. Asked what they could do to keep me. I told them what had happened, exactly, then Im banned again and they disconnect it again.
24-04-2023 12:54 PM
@Derek645 , have you spoken to customer service again? Just to let you know EE would not ask for personal details such as password or bank details, they may ask for security information, such as from your password not the whole of it but choose two different letters from your password, if you get what I mean, and customer service is all in the UK and has been for several years now. Also that is not an EE number that they rang you from, there are plenty of scammers about.
24-04-2023 01:25 PM - edited 24-04-2023 01:27 PM
@Derek645 How can you be put through to anyone else other than EE when you are marking that call to customer service yourself. If you are dialling 150 from an EE device you’ll only call EE.
24-04-2023 06:05 PM
24-04-2023 06:08 PM
25-04-2023 11:29 AM
@Derek645 , are you able to call EE using another phone? You can also use Skype and call EE on their free number.
Have you tried factory resetting your phone to see if that solves the problem? You may need to ask EE to change your mobile numbers and phone also.
I would report this to the police.
25-04-2023 11:35 AM
Hi @Derek645,
Have the executive office advised what needs to be done to reconnect your account?