09-11-2022 11:09 PM
I’m currently at sea, and always have flight mode on, but Wi-Fi enabled. Usually my phone displays EE WifiCall.
However this time it shows Tampnet WiFiCall.
Why? Phone has been in flight mode since I arrived, worried that I will be charged if I receive a call over Wi-Fi.
thanks in advance…
09-11-2022 11:44 PM
WiFi-calling is a means to extend coverage in the UK, and calls are still charged exactly the same as if they were dialled over the mobile network.
Equally WiFi-calling is not supported when roaming abroad, but if it does work you should expect to pay roaming charges.
The costs for roaming on ships and maritime networks are shown at https://ee.co.uk/help/help-new/roaming-costs/countries/maritimeshipsferriesandcruises
10-11-2022 12:46 AM
Thanks for your reply but it doesn’t really answer my question.
Why should I be charged roaming charges when my LTE is turned off?
I have managed to have it show EE WiFiCall again by turning off and on the phone (still in flight mode).
10-11-2022 07:39 AM
Have you been charged, @WarmCat? Are any charges showing in your My EE account?
10-11-2022 03:24 PM
10-11-2022 03:37 PM
Ah, that's good, @WarmCat. Just keep an eye on it and let us know if there are any problems.
10-11-2022 03:45 PM
Just be aware, it likely isn't free to make calls, while not in the UK
Why it shows EEWifi-calling, I am not sure. but I would be tempted to not use it, just incase it does charge. stick to using Discord/Skype//WhatsApp/IP Phone, etc
11-08-2023 08:55 PM
Since when has the UK sector of the North Sea not been in the UK? Pretty sneaky to just wriggle that into someone’s bills without clarification why all of a sudden I’ve been switched from EEwifi to Tampnet when I’ve always been on EEwifi on this stationary oil rig.
12-08-2023 04:42 AM
Since, @Annoyedasusual , you sailed outta range of any EE masts.
12-08-2023 05:35 AM
EE, in common with all UK networks, cover the UK mainland including offshore islands.
They are not a maritime network.