23-02-2023 10:26 AM
my holiday starts on the 2nd of the month but my monthly payment starts on the 4th when you activate the roaming for £10 per month would I have to pay for 2 months as my holiday?
23-02-2023 12:27 PM
Hi @sha9
Welcome to the community.
Whereabouts are you going and which roaming add-on is it that you're looking at?
23-02-2023 12:41 PM
The Roam Abroad Pass is charged pro-rata from the day you order it (text ROAMING PASS to 150) to the day you cancel it (text STOP ROAMING PASS to 150). You do start by paying up to the next bill date. Then in the billing month you cancel it you will get a rebate for the days after you cancel.