29-05-2024 04:27 PM
been away took some effort to get roaming to work on our phones. Now back in UK got texts telling us to cancel by either texting"back home" or "return from abroad" Done that but EE service is not connecting on phones or at home via 4g router
so got no phone, no text and theres no e mail adress so bloody hopeless - any ideas how to overcome this contact them.
we live miles from anywhere with no neighbours so cant even use a borrowed phone/connection this is what happenede when trying to get roaming to work so BE WARNED - you will be in limbo land.
29-05-2024 04:30 PM
@Dextaboy Your phone not connecting to the 4G router is not the same issue as your phone not connecting to EEs network. The phone to your router is WiFi not cellular data.
Have you tried just restarting the device?
29-05-2024 04:33 PM
29-05-2024 04:48 PM
forget router bit above thats working - my error
its phones - 1 apple 1 android so its got to be EE i think
29-05-2024 05:02 PM
Itwouldnt work at first when abroad so was told to delete all previous wi fi history - a pain as all have to be re entered !!
then select network - you need to know who it is!! then onto autoselect
thats should do it - may have got it bit wrong.
SO tried that but no joy itseeems
i tried via an e mail addrees given to contact them -although how they are going to phone me back i dont know.
but have had text from them saying i have voicemail - BUT I HAVNT GOT A CONNECTION so cant listen to it bloody stupid!
29-05-2024 05:30 PM
EE provides no email contact.
29-05-2024 05:38 PM
i have no connectionso cant phone.
they have emailed me with solution what a performance see below hope it helps someone - if it works!!
NOTE the call me - you cant if you aint got a connection!! AGGHH!
. Make sure the EE sim card is the only sim card in the phone.
Settings> Mobile data> MObile data options > Voice and Data 5g auto
Settings > General > Vpn and Device Management > select Vpn Not Connected > Delete any vpn profile that can be seen there
Setting> General >Transfer or Reset > Reset > Reset Network Settings > put the passcode and press reset again
Check to see if it is working
If not, turn off the automatic selection of the network and manually select fromthe available network list and choose one by one wait 1 minut to connect to that netwrok and test the calls .
Settings> Mobile Services > Turn OFf Automatic network selection and a list of network operator providers will show there, select one by one wait 1 minute and test
If you need to talk to us while you’re away just call +44 7953 966 250.
Settings> Connections > Mobile Network > Netword mode > must be 5g/4g/3g/2g(autoconnect) or the highest and autoconnect
3.check if the data roaming is on, if not turned on please
Settings> Connections > Mobile Network > turn on data roaming
Settings > Connections >More connection settings > VPN >Tap on the settings icon at the bottom of the screen > Delete VPN
Setting> General Management> Reset > Reset Network Settings > put the pin and restart
Check to see if it is working
If not, turn off the automatic selection of the network and manually select fromthe available network list and choose one by one wait 1 minut to connect to that netwrok and test the calls .
Settings> Connections> Mobile Networks> Turn OFf Automatic network selection and a list of network operator providers will show there, select one by one wait 1 minute and test
If you need to talk to us while you’re away just call +44 7953 966 250.